Second hand Recorder sheet music listed first, alphabetically by composer name, followed by Recorder books containing works by multiple composers, then recorder method books. Scroll down to browse or search this page using the search button in the lower right corner of your screen - on phones best viewed sideways
Bach: Fourteen Bach Chorales for Soprano or Tenor Recorder and Piano -by- Hugh Orr Score and Part.
Used second music score for recorder and piano. (Clark & Cruickshank/Berandol Music Ltd, Toronto, Canada, 1969) Label on creased cover of score.
Inked music shop stamp at bottom of first page of recorder part. Else in very good condition.
Product Id: R30194
Price: AU$10.00
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Carl Ph. Emmanuel Bach: Sonate pour Flute a bec Alto Seule transcribed from the original for Flute by Laurent Hay.
Used second hand sheet music score for solo treble recorder. 8 pages. 26.107. (Alphonse Leduc, Paris, 1983) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26802
Price: AU$10.00
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Jean Baptiste Loeillet de Gant: Sonata in G Major Op. 1 No. 3 for Alto Recorder (Violin, Oboe) and Guitar; Guitar Continuo by Robert Brojer.
Gitarre Kammermusik edited by Karl Scheit. GKM 63. Score and Part. ISMN M-012127758. Used second hand sheet music score for alto recorder
and guitar. Score and separate part for alto recorder. 12775. (Ludwig Doblinger (Bernhard Herzmansky) K-G. Wien. 1968) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26769
Price: AU$15.00
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Jurg Baur: Mutazioni Studie fur Altblockflote (Michael Vetter). Edition Breitkopf 6451.
Used second hand sheet music score study for treble recorder with notes in German by Michael Vetter. 8 pages. (Breitkopf & Hartel, Wiesbaden, 1965) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26803
Price: AU$10.00
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P B Bellinzani: Sonate No. 6 en La Mineur for Alto Recorder (or Flute or Oboe or Violin) and Basso Continuo -restitution et realisation de- Pierre Polteau (1978).
Score and Part. Used second hand sheet music score for alto recorder (or flute, violin or oboe) and basso continuo;
score and separate part. 25.573. (Alphonse Leduc & Cie, Paris. 1979) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26832
Price: AU$15.00
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Helmut Bornefeld: Zwei Suiten fur Altblockflote (Querflote) allein (Gerhard Braun) (1960). Used second hand sheet music score for solo Treble Recorder edited by Gerhard Braun. 8 pages.
All text in German. Neue Musik fur Blockflote. HE 11.101. (Hanssler-Verlag, Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1960) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26793
Price: AU$10.00
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Cesar Bresgen: Nachruf fur eine Amsel fur einen Blockflotenspieler (1975). Zeitschrift Fur Spielmusik. ZfS 430. ISMN M-200604306.
Used second hand sheet music score for recorder solo. 8 pages. All text in German. (Moeck Music, Celle, 1975) Fine condition.
Product Id: R26790
Price: AU$10.00
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Michel Corrette: Concerto in C-dur fur Blockflote, zwei Floten oder drei Floten
(Violinen) und Basso Continuo, Op. 4/3 (Bernhard Pauler/Willy Hess) (Concerto in C Major for Recorder, Two Flutes or Three
Flutes (Violins) and Basso Continuo) edited by Bernhard Pauler with a realization of the Continuo by Willy Hess (1989).
Score and parts for Flutes I, II, & III and Basso. Camera Flauto Amadeus No. 81. BP 715. Used second hand sheet music score.
Text in German & English. (Amadeus Verlag, 1989) Fine condition.
Product Id: R26792
Price: AU$20.00
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Maurice Dela: Gratifications III for Soprano Recorder (Flute, Violin ...) and Piano (1976). Score Only. Record is not included. Used second hand sheet music score for
beginning soprano recorder (or flute or violin or ...) with piano accompaniment. Score only - no separate
parts. 16 pages. MU26A. (Musantiqua. Richelieu, Quebec. 1976) Marks on cover. Corners bumped. Light creasing. Music is good.
Product Id: R26830
Price: AU$5.00
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Edmunds: Sonatina for Descant Recorder and Pianoforte -by- Chris M Edmunds. Score only. Edition Schott 10042. Used second hand sheet music arrangement for descant recorder
with piano accompaniment. Score only - no separate part for descant recorder. RMS 60. (Schott & Co. London. 1941) Foxing and marks on covers. Music is very good.
Product Id: R24286
Price: AU$6.00
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Genzmer Greensleeves Variationen uber ein altes Volkslied for Treble Recorder and Piano -by- Harald Genzmer. Score & Treble Recorder part (2001). OFB 197. ISMN M-001129831.
Used second hand sheet music scores for treble recorder with piano accompaniment; 4 variations of the traditional tune 'Greensleeves'; Score and separate Treble Recorder part.
R 226. (Schott Musik International GmbH & Co. Mainz. 2001) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26730
Price: AU$10.00
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Colin Hand: Sonata Piccola Op. 63 for Treble Recorder or Flute and Harpsichord or Piano Score and Part.
Used second music score for treble recorder and piano. 19576. (Boosey & Hawkes, London, 1968) Inked music shop stamp and a few other marks on cover of score.
Pen margin note on one page of the treble recorder part. Else in very good condition.
Product Id: R/F30193
Price: AU$10.00
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G F Handel: 'Hush, Ye Pretty Warbling Quire', Aria from 'Acis and Galatea' for soprano voice, sopranino recorder (or treble or flute), two violins, cello and keyboard. RMS 84. Score and Parts.
Used second hand sheet music score. Schott's Series for Voice and Recorder. 5388. (Schott & Co Ltd. London.) Fold of score torn at both ends. Else very good condition.
Product Id: R26738
Price: AU$15.00
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Georg Friedrich Handel: Sonata in C Major Op. 1 No. 7 for Treble Recorder (Flute, Violin, Oboe) and Guitar; Guitar Continuo by Karl Scheit.
Gitarre Kammermusik edited by Karl Scheit. GKM 37. Score and Part. ISMN M-012162087. Used second hand sheet music score for treble
recorder and guitar. Score and separate part for treble recorder. 16208. (Ludwig Doblinger (Bernhard Herzmansky) K-G. Wien. 1981) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26770
Price: AU$15.00
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Christoph Hempel: Uhr-Auffuhrung fur 4 Alt-Blockfloten und Schlaginstrumente in variabler Besetzung (Fink). Spielpartitur. Score Book Only. Used second hand sheet music arrangement for recorder quartet
arranged by Siegfried Fink. 20 pages. Musikalische Werkstatt. ZM2280. (Musikverlag Zimmerman, Frankfurt, 1981) Some marks on cover, else very good condition.
Product Id: R27037
Price: AU$10.00
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Jacques Martin Hotteterre: Suite I in F Major for Alto Recorder or Flute (Oboe, Violin) and Basso Continuo -edited by- Hugo Ruf. Score & Parts. Edition Pelikan 858.
Mvsica Instrvmentalis Book 18. PE858. Used second hand sheet music score for Alto Recorder or Flute (Oboe, Violin) and Basso Continuo; Score and separate
parts for Alto Recorder/Flute/(Oboe,/Violin) and Violincello/Viola da gamba/Bassoon. (Musikverlag zum Pelikan, Zurich. 1970) In fine condition.
Product Id: F27002
Price: AU$20.00
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W R Pasfield: Skyscapes Five Pieces For Flute (or Treble Recorder) and Piano (Kite In The Breeze; Fleecy Clouds; Aerial Cavalry; Call Of The Sky; Soaring Balloons). Score & Part.
Used second hand sheet music scores for Treble Recorder or Flute and Piano; score and separate part for flute/treble recorder. 21947. (Bosworth & Co, London, 1963) Very good condition.
Product Id: F27004
Price: AU$15.00
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Johann Christoph Pepusch: Sechs Sonaten Volume I (1-3) for Treble Recorder (Flute, Oboe, Violin)
and Basso Continuo, Pianoforte and Violoncello ad lib (Die kleine Cammer-Musik) (Giesbert). OFB 72. Score and Parts.
Used second hand sheet music scores for treble recorder and basso continuo with pianoforte and violoncello ad lib arranged -by-
F J Giesbert. Score and separate parts for treble recorder (flute, oboe, violin) and violoncello. Originalmusik fur Blockflote. (B. Schott's Sohne, Mainz) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26779
Price: AU$15.00
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Russell-Smith: Builders Of Tomorrow for Descant Recorders and Piano -by- Geoffrey Russell-Smith
(1985). Score and 2 Parts. Used second hand sheet music score for descant recorders with piano accompaniment.
Score and 2 descant recorder parts. Specially commissioned for the Long Island Recorder Festival.
(Schott & Co Ltd. London. 1985) Name blacked out on the cover. Inked stamp 'Display Copy' on reverse of front cover. Else in very good condition.
Product Id: R26742
Price: AU$15.00
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Giuseppe Sammartini: Zwolf Sonaten for Two Treble Recorders (Violins) and Basso Continuo (Giesbert) Volume I(1-4). OFB 81. Score only.
Used second hand sheet music score for two Treble Recorders, (Violins) and Basso Continuo, Pianoforte & Violoncello
ad lib edited by F J Giesbert; score only - no separate parts. Originalmusik fur Blockflote. (B. Schott's Sohne, Mainz) Some light foxing on reverse of covers, else very good condition.
Product Id: R26783
Price: AU$10.00
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Johann Christian Schickhard: Sonate a-Moll Opus XVII, Nr 3 La Minore fur Alt-Blockflote (Querflote)
und Cembalo (Klavier), Violoncello (Viola da gamba) ad lib. (Jorgen Glode). Score and Parts. Edition Moeck Nr. 1082.
(Sonata in A minor, Op. 17 No. 3). Used second hand sheet music score for Recorder (Flute) and Harpsichord (piano) with Violoncello ad lib
edited by Jorgen Glode; score and parts for recorder and violoncello. (Hermann Moeck Verlag, Celle, 1966) A few small marks on the cover, else in very good condition.
Product Id: R26821
Price: AU$20.00
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Johann Christian Schickhardt 24 Sonatas In All Keys For Alto Recorder And Bass
Continuo Volume 1 -edited by- Walter Bergmann, Frans Bruggen (1976). Score and Parts. Used second hand sheet music scores for
alto recorder and bass continuo. Score and separate parts for Alto Recorder and Violoncello. Text in Japanese and
English. (Zen-On Music Co Ltd. Tokyo. 1976) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26746
Price: AU$40.00
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Cyril Scott: Aubade for Treble Recorder, Flute or Violin and Piano. Score and Part. Contemporary Music For Recorder or Flute. RMS 512. Used second hand sheet music score for Treble (Alto) Recorder
(or Flute or Violin) and Piano; score and part. 5669. (Schott & Co, London, 1953) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26822
Price: AU$15.00
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Shostakovich Adagio Solo from the ballet The 'Age Of Gold' by D Schostakovitsch set for Alto Recorder and Piano by Marvin Rosenberg. Score Only. The Broken Consort Manuscript Series No. 2 (1980).
Used second hand sheet music score for alto recorder with piano accompaniment; score only - no separate recorder part. 4 pages. (The Broken Consort, Seaford, NY. 1980) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26828
Price: AU$5.00
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Georg Philipp Telemann: Partita a-Moll fur Altblockflote und Klavier (Cembalo, Orgel) (Hans U Staeps). Score and Part. Flautario Ensemble und Solomusik for die Blockflote Nr. 3.
Used second hand sheet music score for Alto Recorder (or Flute) and Piano (Harpsichord, Organ) -edited by- Hans U Staeps;
score and part. D.12.351. (Ludwig Doblinger (Bernard Herzmansky) K.G., Wien, 1966) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26824
Price: AU$15.00
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Turner Topham Valentine 3 Sonatas of the English Baroque for Treble Recorder (Flute)
and Basso Continuo (Hugo Ruf). OFB 188. Score and Parts. Used second hand sheet music scores of Sonata by William Turner,
Sonata by William Topham, and Sonata by Robert Valentine for treble recorder and basso continuo arranged -by-
Hugo Ruft. Score and separate parts for treble recorder (flute) and basso. Originalmusik fur Blockflote. ISMN M-001123310. (B. Schott's Sohne, Mainz, 2000) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26780
Price: AU$20.00
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Heinz Walter: Partita Impulsiva for Sopranblockflote (Flauto traverso) und Cembalo (Hans U Staeps). Score and Part. Flautario Ensemble und Solomusik for die Blockflote Nr. 15.
Used second hand sheet music score for Soprano Recorder (or Flute) and Harpsichord -edited by- Hans U Staeps. D.18.218. (Ludwig Doblinger (Bernard Herzmansky) K.G., Wien, 1970) Very good condition.
Product Id: R26823
Price: AU$15.00
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Children's Songs And Games For Guitar/Recorder songbook arranged by Jack Moore and Cecil Bolton (1978). 50 Songs including Hymns, Carols and Games.
Used second hand song book for children arranged for guitar or recorder with chord names and full words; includes musical balancing games and musical chairs.
48 pages. (EMI Music Publishing Ltd, London, 1978) Light wear and creasing to spine and edges of cover. Some marks on the rear cover. Pages are in fine
condition. List of contents: All Things Bright and Beautiful; Au Clair de Lune; Away in a Manger; Bye Baby Bunting; Coventry Carol; Deck The Hall;
Ding Dong Merrily On High; The First Noel; Frere Jacques; Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild; God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen; Golden Slumbers; Good King Wenceslas;
Go Tell It on the Mountain; The Grand Duke of York; Happy Birthday to You; Hark The Herald Angels Sing; Here We Come A-Wassailing; He's Got The Whole World
in His Hands; Hickory Dickory Dock; The Holly and the Ivy; Holy, Holy, Holy; Hush Little Baby (The Mocking Bird); I Saw Three Ships; Jingle Bells; Jolly
Old Saint Nicholas; Lavender Blue; Little Brown Jug; The Lord's My Shepherd; My Son John; O Come All Ye Faithful; Oh Dear! What Can The Matter Be; Old
Macdonald had a Farm; Once in Royal David's City; Oranges and Lemons; Praise My Soul The King of Heaven; Rock-a-Bye Baby; Round and Round The Garden;
Silent Night; Skip to My Lou; Sur La Pont d'Avignon; Ten Green Bottles; Ten in the Bed; There is a Green Hill Far Away; This Little Piggy went to Market;
The Twelve Days of Christmas; We Three Kings; We Wish You a Merry Christmas; While Shepherds Watched; Who Would True Valour See.
Product Id: K32197
Price: AU$15.00
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50 Graded Studies For Recorder (Descant) edited by Sally Adams and Paul Harris (2004). ISBN 0571523188.
Used second hand book of recorder studies from 17th-20th Century repertory arranged in order of increasing difficulty, ranging from Prepatory to Grade 5.
32 pages. (Faber Music Ltd, London, 2004) Spine bumped at both ends, else in very good condition.
Product Id: K32212
Price: AU$15.00
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Twelve Advanced Studies In Recorder Technique Book 1 Nos. 1-6 For Descant Recorder by Guus Haverkate (1973).
Used second hand book of advanced descant recorder studies. 16 pages. (Broekmans En Van Poppep, Amsterdam, 1973) Light wear and creasing to covers.
Label on rear cover. Pages are in fine condition.
Product Id: K32213
Price: AU$15.00
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Four Sea Songs For Five Recorders arranged by Bruce Pennick. SCORE ONLY. Schott Ed 11805. Used second hand booklet of Sea songs arranged
for 5 recorders; score book only - no separate Recorder parts. 8 pages. (Schott & Co, London, 1965) Number and remains of a label on the cover. Number also
written at top of first page. Else in very good condition.
Product Id: R31757
Price: AU$10.00
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Jazz Incorporated Volume 1 8 Solos For (C) Flute/Recorder With Piano Accompaniment -by- Kerin Bailey SCORE AND PART (2007). CD NOT INCLUDED.
Used second hand book of sheet music scores for Flute or Recorder with Piano Accompaniment and chord names; score and separate part for Flute/Recorder. Level Early-Upper
Intermediate approx Grade II-VI. (K J Bailey, Kent Town, South Australia, 2007) Name and number of previous owner written on first page of each part, a little foxing on
cover of Flute/Recorder part, else in very good condition. List of pieces: Moonlight Air; Snappy Rag; Little Brown Feet; Blue Mood; Devil May Care; Jumbuck Jive;
A Wily Bossa; Stokers Siding.
Product Id: F/R31376
Price: AU$14.00
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Jazz Incorporated Volume 2 8 Solos For (C) Flute or Recorder With Piano Accompaniment -by- Kerin Bailey SCORE AND PART (2007). CD NOT INCLUDED.
Used second hand book of sheet music scores for Flute or Recorder with Piano Accompaniment and chord symbols; score and separate part for Flute/Recorder.
Early to Upper Intermediate Level approx Grade II-VI. (K J Bailey, Kent Town, South Australia, 2007) Name and number of previous owner written on first page of both parts,
else in very good condition. List of pieces: Scoobie Du Wup; Pretty Flower; Feeling Free; Al's Cafe; Riff-Raff Rock; Blue Waltz; Cookin With Gas; Get Eccentric.
Product Id: F/R31377
Price: AU$14.00
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Jazz Incorporated Volume 2 8 Solos For (C) Flute or Recorder With Piano Accompaniment -by- Kerin Bailey FLUTE/RECORDER PART ONLY (1995).
Used second hand Flute or Recorder part only - no piano accompaniment book. Early to Upper Intermediate Level approx Grade II-VI. 14 pages. (K J Bailey, Kent Town, South Australia,
1995) Name whited out on grubby cover which also has 2 small holes from a staple now removed. Lower corner of first few pages creased. The music is very good. List of pieces:
Scoobie Du Wup; Pretty Flower; Feeling Free; Al's Cafe; Riff-Raff Rock; Blue Waltz; Cookin With Gas; Get Eccentric.
Product Id: F/R31378
Price: AU$5.00
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First Book Of Treble Recorder Solos for Treble (Alto) Recorder and Piano edited & arranged by Walter Bergmann (1978) SCORE AND PART. Faber F0546.
Used second hand book of progressive alto recorder music scores with piano accompaniment complete with separate Recorder part and fingering charts. (Faber Music Ltd,
London, 1978) Light wear to covers of both parts. Name written on cover of both parts. Music is very good. Tunes are:
A Song; Waltz on Two Notes; Berceuse (French); Triste; Miniature March; Waltz on Three Notes; Old German Christmas Song; Landler; Scottish Air; A la clair fontaine (French);
The 'Passion Chorale' (German); La Volta (English); Les Bouffons (French); Gavotte (Handel); Minuet (Dieupart); Polka (Czech); Variations on 'Lavender Blue'; A Christmas
Song (Bach); Babiole (Naudot); Musette (Chedeville); Pony Trot; Arpeggio Study; Italian Folk Song; Scherzando; Minuet (Paisible); Andante from Partita No. 1 (Telemann);
Norwegian Call; Duet; Gavotte (Pepusch); Hornpipe; Ballad; Chromatic; Grave (Paisible); Waltz - Variations (Britten); Chaconne from 'The Fairy Queen' (Purcell).
Product Id: R30580
Price: AU$10.00
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Twelve For Two Easy Ensemble Pieces For Descant Recorder and Piano by Kenneth Simpson (1969) SCORE ONLY. Junior Ensemble Series.
Used second hand book of descant recorder music scores with piano accompaniment; piano accomp book only - no separate recorder part. 20 pages. AP 389. (Belwin Mills
Publ corp, 1969) Light foxing on covers, pages are in very good condition. Pieces are:
Carol; Slow Air; Alla Marcia; Chorale and Interlude; Prelude; Intermezzo; Folkish; A Modal Tune; Morning Song; A Dance; Plaintive Tune; Festal Flourish.
Product Id: R30581
Price: AU$5.00
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Recorder Tunes For Junior And Intermediate Players Sixteen Pieces and Two Studies for Descant Recorders with Piano Accompaniment by Stanley Taylor (1960)
SCORE AND PART. Curwen Edition 90406. Used second hand book of descant recorder music scores with piano accompaniment complete with separate recorder part. (J Curwen &
Sons Ltd, London, 1960) A few marks on covers. Pages are very good. Pieces are:
Lullaby; Raindrops; Folk Tune; A Song of Remembrance; Waltz; Lament; Reverie; The Bells; Funeral March of the Blackbirds; Gavotte; Chorale; A Quiet Walk; Minuet; Song
Without Words; Slow Waltz; Novelette; Study in Expression; Study for E, F, F sharp, G.
Product Id: R30582
Price: AU$10.00
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Recorder Book 2 Forty Seven Pieces For Recorder Consort Collected By Steve Rosenberg (1st Ed 1978) SCORE ONLY. PM036. Used second hand oblong book of
recorder solos, recorder ensemble and recorder duet sheet music scores. Score book only. 50 pages. (Price Milburn Music Ltd, Wellington, NZ, First Edition 1978) Labels on
lightly worn covers. Corners worn. Pages are are very good. Pieces are:
SOLOS: Fanfare (Nicholas Chedeville); The King's Dance (Michael Praetorius); The Nightingale (13th Century French); Minuet (Jacques Hotteterre); Minuet (J S Bach);
Trotto (14th Century Italian).
DUETS; Ronde (Susato); Fanfare (Nicholas Chedeville); Prince Robert's March (Jacob van Eyck); Anglaise (Anon); The Duke (Michael Praetorius); La Volta (Michael
Praetorius); Paysanne (J B de Boismortier); Ductia (13th Century Anon); Gavotte (J B Loeillet); Adagio (J B Loeillet); Dance (13th Century Anon); The Jasmin
(Philbert De Lavigne); Rain Dance (Ross Edwards).
TRIOS: La Bergamasca (16th Century); De la dulce mi enemiga (Gabriel); Ballet des Fous (Michael Praetorius); Rustic Dance (Jacques Hotteterre); In Seculum
Viellatoris (13th Century); Minuet (J C Pez); The Duke (Michael Praetorius); Alman (William Brade); A Paris, Frese Nouvele (13th Century); Trio (Jean-Jacques Naudot);
Consort from the Court of Henry VIII; Dua Chant for three recorders (Peter Sculthorpe).
QUARTETS: The King's Dance (Michael Praetorius); Pavane (Susato); Schiarazula Marazal (Phalese); Spanish Pavan (Michael Praetorius); Bonny Sweet Robin (Anthony
Holborne); Allemande (Giles Farnaby); Battle Pavan (Susato); At night the garden was full of voices (Gillian Whitehead); Noel's Galliard (Anthony Holborne);
Martin said to his man (Thomas Ravenscroft).
QUINTETS: Jongleurs (John Rimmer); La Volta (Michael Praetorius); English Pavan (Gervaise); Heigh Ho Holiday (Anthony Holborne); The Honeysuckle (Anthony Holborne).
SEXTET: Allemande (Giles Farnaby). Fingering Chart.
Product Id: R30585
Price: AU$20.00
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Appalachian Folk Songs For Recorder A Gathering of 30 Traditional Folk Songs and Tunes Arranged as Solos and Duets for Soprano and Alto Recorders By
Ralph Wm. Zeitlin (1978). ISBN 0825699665. Used second hand book of Soprano and Alto Recorder solos and duets. 24 pages. AO 80557. (Ariel Publications, New York,
1978) Very good condition. Contents are:
Introduction; Cripple Creek; Fair Nottamun Town; Locks and Bolts; I'm going to get Married; Molly Vaughn; The Maple on the Hill; Red Rosey Bush; The White Pilgrim;
Amazing Grace I; Amazing Grace II; Liza Jane; Simple Gifts; Soldier, Soldier, Won't You Marry Me?; The Unquiet Grave; Carrion Crow; There was a Pig went out to Dig;
Hiram Hubbard; See The Waters A'Gliding; Lonesome Sea; May Day Carol; Barbry Ellen; Cindy; Cumberland Gap; Roseannie; The Spiritual Railway; I Saw Three Ships;
Wayfaring Stranger; Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies; Pretty Little Black-eyed Susie; The Riddle Song.
Product Id: R30586
Price: AU$15.00
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Twenty Miniatures For Descant Recorder On The Notes F-D by Stanley Taylor (1961) SCORE AND PARTS. Used second hand book of Descant Recorder
pieces with piano accompaniment complete with 2 separate Recorder parts. C90409A. (J Curwen & Sons Ltd, London, 1961) One Recorder part is larger than the score book,
and is creased along upper edge and worn on edges and corners. Some marks on score covers. All else is in very good condition. Contents are:
Country Bells; Sunday Walk; Clocks; Longing; The Murmuring Stream; March of the Tin Soldiers; Twilight; Tarantella; Evening Shadows; Legend;
Rumba; A Little Prelude; A Little Fugue; Minuet; Poor Little Mouse; A Dream; The Donkey; Holiday Train; Song Without Words; Nocturne.
Product Id: R30588
Price: AU$15.00
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My Very First Recorder Songbook -arranged by- Robin De Smet (1984). SCORE AND PART. AM34166. ISBN 0711904111.
Used second hand book of easy to play songs arranged for recorder with piano accompaniment; includes pull-out recorder part. (Wise Publications,
1984) Corners worn. Covers lightly worn, creased and marked. Pages are very good. Contents are:
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes; Annie's Song; As Long as He Needs Me; Clementine; I Whistle a Happy Tune; Lady Madonna; Little Boxes;
Love Me Tender; My Favourite Things; Omm Pah Pah; Out of My Dreams; Pick a Pocket or Two; Rivers of Babylon; Some Enchanted Evening; Where Have All The Flowers Gone.
Product Id: R28934
Price: AU$10.00
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Selections from Looney Tunes for Recorder Easy Recorder Songbook. ISBN 0739060651. Book only - recorder not included.
Used second hand sheet music book for recorder with lyrics where appropriate. Includes playing instructions and fingering chart.
24 pages. 32725. (Alfred Publishing Co. 2009) In excellent condition. List of contents:
Animaniacs (main title); Chopsticks (duet); I Taut I Taw a Puddy-Tat; The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down; This Is It! from 'The Bugs Bunny Show').
Product Id: R21909
Price: AU$5.00
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Songs From Walt Disney's 'Mary Poppins' Selection For Descant Recorder(s) (or Flute/Oboe/Violin) and Piano
with Voice and Guitar Optional -words and music by- Richard M Sherman and Robert B Sherman SCORE ONLY. Used second hand book of descant recorder
sheet music scores. 15 pages. 9460. (Walt Disney Music Co. London. 1966) Corners are bumped. Else in very good condition. List of contents:
A Spoonful Of Sugar; Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious; Feed The Birds (Tuppence A Bag); Chim Chim Cher-ee; Stay Awake;
Jolly Holiday.
Product Id: R25544
Price: AU$15.00
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Recorder Fun! Songs For Kids Songbook With Easy Instructions (1993). ISBN 0793523281. HL00710393. Used second hand recorder songbook
which was originally sold with a recorder instrument. Recorder is not included - it is the songbook only. Includes complete instructions
and recorder fingering chart; easy arrangements with chord names and words; all in E-Z Play notation (play by letter). Used second hand softcover book.
24 pages. 03930995. (Hal Leonard Publishing Co. 1993) Corners are bumped. Else in very good condition. List of contents:
Be kind to your web-footed friends; Billy boy; Camptown races; The farmer in the dell; Hickory Dickory Dock; I've been working on the
railroad; London bridge; Mary had a little lamb; Pop! Goes the weasel; She'll be comin' round the mountain; Take me out to the ball game;
This old man; Twinkle, twinkle, little star; Yankee doodle.
Product Id: R25871
Price: AU$5.00
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Six Songs For Soprano Voice With Treble Recorder -by- John Horton (1941).
Edition Schott 10054. Score Only. Used second hand sheet music scores for voice and recorder. No piano accompaniment.
16 pages. 5124. (Schott & Co Ltd. London. 1941) Creases in spine and upper corners. Else very good. List of contents:
The Bargain (Sir Philip Sidney); Fancy's Knell (William Shakespeare); To Violets (Robert Herrick);
Hymn To Pan (John Fletcher); O Lull Me, Lull Me, Charming Air (William Strode); Come, O Come, My Life's Delight (Thomas Campion).
Product Id: R26740
Price: AU$10.00
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Einzelstucke und Suiten for Treble Recorder Solo (Hugo Ruf). OFB 21. Used second hand sheet music scores for easy treble recorder solo arranged by Rugo Ruf. Originalmusik fur Blockflote.
(B. Schott's Sohne, Mainz, 1970) Inked name stamp on first page. Lower corner bumped. Foxing on reverse of covers.
Else very good. Contents are:
Airs Anglois by George Bingham, Anonymous, A van Heerde, Mr. Clarke; Aires Made On Purpose For A Flute by Daniel Denoivre.
Product Id: R26777
Price: AU$15.00
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Erhard Karkoschka: Floten-/Tonband-Spiele 1978 fur einen und mehr
Flotisten mit einem und mehr Geraten (Das Blockfloten Repertoire Kammermusik und Studienliteratur
aus funf Jahrhunderten herausgegeben von Gerhard Braun). Edition Moeck Nr. 2513.
Used second hand sheet music score arrangement for one or many instruments, full set of parts. All text in German.
(Moeck Verlag, Celle. 1978) Very god condition.
Product Id: R26920
Price: AU$20.00
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Music 'Round The School Year for Soprano Recorder or Melody Instruments such as Tonette and
Flutophone -by- Daniel Chazanoff (1966). Used second hand oblong book of tunes and rounds for soprano recorder, tonette or flutophone; range: a major ninth,
including a number of different tonalities. 36 pages. (Hargail Music Press, New York, 1966) Remains of label on
lightly worn cover, else very good condition. Tunes included are:
Fingering chart; Merrily We Roll Along; The Old Grey Goose (Go Tell Aunt Rhodie); Lightly Row; Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star; This Old Man; Long, Long Ago; The Coqui; London Bridge; Ten Little Indians; Pop Goes The Weasel;
Happy Birthday Song; The Muffin Man; Harvest Hymn; Corn Dance; Hymn of Thanksgiving; Thanks to God; Shuckin' of
the Corn; Jingle Bells; Jolly Old Saint Nicholas; We Wish You a Merry Christmas; Good King Wenceslas; Come All
Ye Faithful; We Three Kings; Up on the House Top; Auld Lang Syne; O Chanukah; Chanukah; Faith of our Fathers;
America; Chester; Yankee Doodle; Taps; To the Colours; The Marines' Hymn; On Top of Old Smoky; Down in the Valley;
Red River Valley; Wayfaring Stranger; A Bicycle Built For Two; Every Night when the Sun goes in; The Blue Tail
Fly; When the Saints go marching in; Skip to my Lou; Wearing of the Green; Sweet Molly Malone; Ode to Joy
(Beethoven); Song of the Peace (Chippewa); Pipe Dance Song (Ogima-Chippewa); Medicine Song (Apache); Red Blanket
Song (Ojibway); Sunrise Dance (Teton Sioux); Jacob's Ladder (Negro spiritual); Steal Away (Negro spiritual); Au
Clair de la lune (French); Drink to me only with thine Eyes (English); The Bridge at Avignon (French); Sweet
Betsy From Pike (English); Hatikvah (Israel); Lock Lomond (Scotland); Shoemaker's Dance (Denmark); Lullaby
(Belgian Congo); All throug the Night (Wales); Chinese Lullaby; Lullaby (Sioux); Corn-Grinding Song (Navajo);
Yangtze Boatmen's Chantey (China); Blow, ye Winds (sea chanty); Canoe Song (Maori); Home on the Range; Down the
Stream (Miwok); Lovely Evening (round); Music alone shall live (round); Row, row, row your Boat (round); Dona Nobis Pacem (round).
Product Id: R27747
Price: AU$10.00
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Enjoy The Recorder: Descant Tutor Book 1 by Brian Bonsor (1981). Schott Edition 11464. ISMN M-220110542. ISBN 0901938696. Used second hand descant
recorder method book. 102 pages. BL 93. (Schott, Mainz, 1981) Covers are worn. Some foxing on edges of pages, else pages are in very good condition.
Weight 400 grams.
Product Id: R32210
Price: AU$20.00
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Enjoy The Recorder: From Descant To Treble Part 1 by Brian Bonsor (1985). Schott Edition 12229. ISBN 0946535019. Used second hand treble
recorder method book. 92 pages. BL 93. (Schott, Mainz, 1985) Label on rear cover. Covers are worn. A few small stains on reverse of front cover. Some foxing on edges of pages, else pages
are in very good condition. Weight 400 grams.
Product Id: R32211
Price: AU$20.00
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The Book Of The Dolmetsch Descant Recorder by Imogen Holst with a note on breathing by Peter Pears.
Used second hand Dolmetsch Descant Recorder method book. 36 pages. Music For Recorders Edited By Benjamin Britten and Imogen Holst.
(Boosey & Hawkes Music Publ Ltd, London, undated) Some foxing on covers. Corners are worn, else pages are in very good condition.
Product Id: R31558
Price: AU$20.00
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The Usborne Book Of Easy Recorder Tunes recorder method book by Philip Hawthorn edited Jenny Tyler(1989). ISBN 0746004575. Used second hand
book of over 100 easy carefully graded tunes for beginner recorder, some arranged for two players or piano accompaniment; colourful 'Jelly People' provide helpful
hints and reminders about fingering, playing techniques and music symbols and terms, along with many interesting facts about the recorder and its ancestors. 64 pages.
(Usborne Publ Ltd, London, 1989) Corners are worn, else in very good condition.
Product Id: R31674
Price: AU$10.00
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MUSIKit Recorder Student's Book -by- Roger Buckton & Carol Buckton (1985). ISBN 0867992565. Used second hand oblong recorder method book. 40 pages.
(Holmes McDougall Australia/Educational Supplies Pty Ltd, Brookvale, 1985) Creased. Foxing on edges of pages. Else very good condition.
Product Id: R29214B
Price: AU$5.00
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MUSIKit Recorder Two B Student's Book: The First Five Hundred Years 13th to 17th Centuries -by- Roger Buckton & Carol
Buckton (1984). ISBN 090878807X. Used second hand oblong recorder method book with recorder music from a 13th-Century medieval village
through to the latter half of the 17th-Century. 36 pages. (The Recorder Centre, Auckland, 1984) Covers are worn. Inked stamp on title
page and inside rear cover. Pages are in very good condition.
Product Id: R29215
Price: AU$10.00
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MUSIKit Recorder Two A Student's Book: Baroque To Rock 18th To 20th Centuries -by- Roger Buckton & Carol
Buckton (1987). ISBN 0908788037. Used second hand oblong recorder method book with recorder music from the 18th-Century
baroque to 20th-Century rock. 68 pages. (The Recorder Centre, Auckland, 1987) Covers are worn. Inked stamp on title page and inside rear cover. Pages are in very good condition.
Product Id: R29216
Price: AU$15.00
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Essential Elements Recorder Classroom Method Student Book 1 Book/CD -by- Kaye Clements, Paul Lavender & Charles
Menghini (2010). HL00860561. ISBN 1423481275. Used second hand recorder method book for beginners with a CD
containing play-along tracks 1-57, tempo adjustment software and start up video. 32 pages. (Hal Leonard Corp, 2010)
Book in fine condition. CD is unused and still sealed into its pouch at the front of the book.
Product Id: R29131
Price: AU$14.00
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Progressive Beginner Recorder For Beginner Recorder Players Book/CD -by- Gary Turner & Peter Gelling (2002). CP-69128.
ISBN 186469128X. Used second hand recorder method book for beginners with a CD recording how each example in the book should sound.
56 pages. (LTP Publishing Pty Ltd, no place, 2002) Foxing on lower edges and corners of some pages, else in very good condition. CD plays perfectly.
Product Id: R29031
Price: AU$15.00
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Abracadabra Recorder 2 -chosen by- Roger Bush (reprint 1985). ISBN 0713621591. Used second hand oblong recorder method book
containing 23 graded songs and tunes for descant recorders. Unpaginated. (A & C Black Ltd, London, reprint 1985) Very good condition.
Product Id: R28932
Price: AU$10.00
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Suzuki Recorder School Soprano Recorder: Recorder Part Volume 1 (1997). ISBN 0874875536. Used second hand recorder method book
by Dr Shinichi Suzuki. Recorder Part Only. 32 pages. 05535. (Summy-Birchard Inc, Van Nuys CA, 1997) Remains of sticker on cover, else in very good condition.
Product Id: R28933
Price: AU$10.00
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Method For The Recorder (Blockflute) -by- F J Giesbert. Edition Schott No. 2430a. Used second hand oblong recorder method book
containing 30 progressive exercises and 100 dance tunes; adapted to all types of recorder: soprano C, tenor C, alto F, Bass F with
German or English (Baroque) boring. 68 pages. 34685. (Schott & Co. London, undated) Very good condition.
Product Id: R28038
Price: AU$10.00
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Upbeat Recorder 2 Descant -by- Pamela Miskin (1998). ISBN 0868964905. Used second hand recorder method book. 53 pages. Audio music cassette is not included. AS6490. (Scholastic Australia
Pty Ltd. Gosford. Reprint. 1998) Name of previous owner blacked out inside front cover and on first page. Else in excellent condition. (2)
Product Id: R22041
Price: AU$8.00
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Upbeat Recorder 3 Descant -by- Pamela Miskin (1996 reprint). ISBN 0868964913. Used second hand recorder method book.
64 pages. Audio music cassette is not included. AS6491. (Scholastic Australia Pty Ltd. Gosford. Reprint 1996) Covers are scuffed. Tape
shadows on first page. Corners worn. Pages in very good condition. (Qty in stock: 2)
Product Id: R28486
Price: AU$10.00
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Upbeat Popular Recorder Book -by- Jeffrey Leask (1996). ISBN 1863881042. Used second hand recorder lesson book.
Designed for students wishing to play entertaining but simple songs on the recorder. Introduces a selection of
notes such as Low C, F, F sharp, B flat, High E, High F sharp, High F and High G. Illustrates where the fingers should be placed on the recorder. 44 pages. (Scholastic Australia
Pty Ltd. Gosford. 1996) Name of previous owner blacked out inside front cover and on first page. Else in excellent condition.
Product Id: R22042
Price: AU$8.00
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Cool Cats The Red Hot Recorder Course Student's Book Level 2 Book/CD -by- Jeff Mead (1995). ISBN 1875191550.
Used second hand recorder method book. 20 pages. (Bushfire Press Pty Ltd, Templestowe, Victoria. 1995) In AS NEW condition. CD is unused.
Product Id: R26372
Price: AU$10.00
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The School Recorder Book 1 For Descant Recorder Revised Edition 1995 -by- the late E Priestley & F Fowler. EJ10015. ISBN 9780711950078.
Used second hand method book for descant recorder. 40 pages. (EJA Publications, no place, revised edition 1995) In fine condition.
Product Id: R31399
Price: AU$10.00
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The School Recorder Book 2 For Descant (continued), Treble, Tenor and Bass Recorders -by- E Priestley &
F Fowler. Revised Edition 1973. ISBN 0560001401. Used second hand instruction book for recorder. (E J Arnold & Son Ltd. London. 5th imp.
1973) 40 pages. Covers are grubby. Pages are very good.
Product Id: R16766
Price: AU$5.00
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The School Recorder Book 2 For Descant (continued), Treble, Tenor and Bass Recorders -by- E Priestley &
F Fowler. Revised Edition 1977. ISBN 0560001401. Used second hand instruction book for recorder. (E J Arnold & Son Ltd. London.
10th imp. 1977) 40 pages. Ex-library with the usual marks, stamps and stickers. Covered with clear contact. Foxing on edges of pages. Else very good.
Product Id: R16766B
Price: AU$5.00
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The School Recorder Book Part 2 -by- Edmund Priestley & Fred Fowler (c.1950). Used second hand instruction book for recorder. 40 pages. (E J Arnold & Son Ltd. London. Undated but circa 1950)
Pen notes on reverse of front cover. Pen margin notes on several pages. Pages are creased, else good.
Product Id: R27747
Price: AU$5.00
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The New Recorder Tutor Book 1a Pitched And Non-Pitched Percussion Accompaniments To Book 1 -by- Malcolm Binney (1970).
Used second hand recorder method book. 30 pages. 1126. (Belwin-Mills Music. 1970) Insect damage to front cover. Else very good.
Product Id: R26727
Price: AU$10.00
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The New Recorder Tutor Book 2 Descant (or Tenor) -by- Stephen F Goodyear (1957). (Belwin-Mills Music.
1957) Used second hand recorder instruction book. 49 pages. Creased. Covers are grubby. Foxing on edges of pages. Else good.
Product Id: R23348
Price: AU$5.00
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Let's Play Recorder A Learning Unlimited Audio-Visual Series Student Book and Record Level One
-written by- Leo Sevush (1973). Book and EP vinyl record. (Hal Leonard. 1973) Used second hand recorder method book with EP vinyl
record. Book covered with clear contact. Very good.
Product Id: R16945
Price: AU$5.00
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It's Recorder Time A Basic Method of Learning to Play The Recorder and Read Music Through The Use of Folk, Classical and Familiar songs Includes Many Duets
-by- Alfred d'Augerge & Morton Manus (1968). Used second hand recorder method book. 32 pages. (Alfred Music Co Inc, 1968)Covers are worn. Spine sunned. Pages are very good.
Product Id: R31400
Price: AU$5.00
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