Used books of Lieder by Composer listed first in alphabetical order, followed by Lieder Books containing works by multiple composers.
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See also: Lieder single songs
Samuel Barber Collected Songs For High Voice. Samuel Barber Lieder. Contains all the songs written by American composer Samuel Barber. Used second hand piano
songbook with words for High Voice. 137 pages. Ed. 2167 (G Schirmer Inc. New York. 1980) Ex Library. Library card pasted inside front cover. Stamps on title page
and a few other pages. Spine has very small tears at both ends. Foxing on edges of covers and pages. Else pages are very good. List of songs:
A Nun Takes The Veil (Heaven-Haven), Op. 13, No. 1 (words from 'Collected Poems' by Gerard Manley Hopkins);
Bessie Bobtail, Op. 2, No. 3 (words from 'Collected Poems of James Stephens');
Despite and Still, Op 41 (words by Robert Graves, Theodore Roethke, James Joyce): [A Last Song; My Lizard (Wish for a Young Love);
In The Wilderness; Solitary Hotel; Despite and Still];
Hermit Songs (poems translated from anonymous Irish texts from 8th to 13th Centuries): [At Saint Patrick's Purgatory, Op. 29, No. 1
(original key); Church Bell at Night, Op. 29, No. 2 (original key);
St. Ita's Vision, Op. 29, No. 3 (original key); The Heavenly Banquet, Op. 29, No. 4 (original key); The Crucifixion, Op. 29, No. 5
(original key); Sea-Snatch, Op. 29, No. 6 (original key); Promiscuity, Op. 29, No. 7 (original key); The Monk and His Cat, Op. 29,
No. 8 (original key); The Praises of God, Op. 29, No. 9 (original key); The Desire For Hermitage, Op. 29, No. 10 (original key)];
I Hear an Army, Op. 10, No. 3 (original key) (words from 'Collected Poems of James Stephens');
Melodies Passageres (words by Rainer Maria Rilke): [Puisque tout passe, Op. 27, No. 1; Un Cygne, Op. 27, No. 2;
Tombeau dans un parc, Op. 27, No. 3; Le Clocher Chante, Op. 27, No. 4; Depart, Op. 27, No. 5];
Monks and Raisins, Op. 18, No. 2 (words from 'Have Come, Am Here' by Jose Garcia Villa);
Nocturne, Op. 13, No. 4 (words from 'The Carnival' by Frederic Prokosch);
Nuvoletta, Op. 25 (words from 'Finnigans Wake' by James Joyce);
Rain Has Fallen, Op. 10, No. 1 (words from 'Collected Poems' by James Joyce);
Sleep Now, Op. 10, No. 2 (words from 'Collected Poems of James Stephens');
Sure on This Shining Night, Op. 13, No. 3 (words from 'Permit Me Voyage' by James Agee);
The Daisies, Op. 2, No. 1 (words from 'Collected Poems of James Stephens');
The Queen's Face on the Summery Coin, Op. 18, No. 1 (words by Robert Horan);
The Secrets of the Old, Op. 13, No. 2 (words from 'Collected Poems of W B Yeats');
Three Songs (words by James Joyce, Czeslaw Milosz, Christopher Middleton): [Now Have I Fed and Eaten Up The Rose, Op. 45, No. 1;
A Green Lowland of Pianos, Op. 45, No. 2; O Boundless, Boundless Evening, Op. 45, No. 3];
With Rue My Heart is Laden, Op. 2. No. 2 (words from 'A Shropshire Lad' by A E Housman).
Product Id: SG21423
Price: AU$20.00
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Beethoven 67 Songs With Piano Accompaniment English Version by H Stevens (privately bound). Augener's Edition No. 8806.
Used second hand book of Beethoven songs for piano with English and German words privately bound into pseudo-leather covers sometime after purchase.
212 pages. (Augener Ltd, London, undated) Some marks on the title page and index page. Foxing on edges. Else very good condition. Weight 800 grams. List of songs:
Hope (An die Hoffnung) Op. 32;
Adelaide Op. 46;
6 SONGS BY GELLERT Op. 48: [Prayer (Bitten); Love of Our Neigbour (Die Liebe des Nachsten); Death (Vom Tode); Nature's Praise of God (Die Ehre Gottes aus der natur);
The Power of God (Gottes Macht und Vorschung); Penitence (Busslied)].
8 SONGS Op. 52: [What'shisname's Journey round the World (Urian's Beise um die Welt); Flame Colour (Feuerfarb'); Repose (Das Liedchen von der Ruhe); May Song
(Mailied); Molly's Farewell (Molly's Abschied); Song (Lied); Marmotte; The Flower Wondrousfair (Das Blumchen Wunderhold)].
6 SONGS Op. 75: [Knowst Thou The Land? (Mignon); New Love, New Life (Neue Liebe, neues Leben); From Goethe's Faust (Aus Goethe's Faust); Peggy's Warning (Gretel's
Warnung); To The Distant Lover (An den fernen Geliebten); Contentment (Der Zufriedene)].
4 AIRS AND A DUET Op. 82: [Hope (Speranza); Love's Lament (Lamento amoroso); The Impatient Lover (L'amante impaziente); The Impatient Lover (L'amante impaziente);
Love's Voice (Odi l'aura)].
3 SONGS BY GOETHE Op. 83: [Tears of Love (Wonne der Wehmuth); Longing (Sehnsucht); With a Flowered Ribbon (Mit einem gemalten Bande)].
Affection's Bliss (Vita felice) Op. 88;
Hope (An die Hoffnung) Op. 94;
To The Distant Beloved (An die ferne Geliebte) Op. 98;
My Word's My Bond (Der Mann von Wort) Op. 99;
Merkenstein Op. 100;
The Kiss (Der Kuss) Op. 128;
A Maiden's Portraiture (Schilderung eines Madchens);
To an Infant (An einen Saugling);
Parting Song of the Viennese Volunteers (Abschiedsgesang an Wien's Burger beim Auszug der Wiener Freiwilligen);
Austrian Warsong (Kriegslied der Oesterreicher);
The Free Man (Der Freie Mann);
Sacrificial Hymn (Opferlied);
The Quail (Der Wachtelschlag);
The Separation (Als die Geliebte sich trennen wollte);
Song From Afar (Lied aus der Ferne);
Away From Home (Der Jungling in der Fremde);
The Lover (Der Liebende);
Longing (Sehnsucht);
The Warrior's Farewell (Des Kriegers Abschied);
The Spirit Bard (Der Bardengeist);
Call From The Mountain (Ruf vom Berge);
The Tear (An die Geliebte);
The Tear (An die Geliebte);
No Matter Which (So oder So);
The Secret (Das Geheimniss);
Even-song (Abendlied);
Remembrance (Andenken);
I Love Thee (Ich liebe dich);
Longing (Sehnsucht);
Separation (La Partenza);
In This Sepulchral Darkness (In questa tomba oscura);
Desponding and Responsive Love (Seufzer eines Ungeliebten und Gegenliebe);
The Loud Complaint (Die laute Klage);
Ah! perfido Op. 65:
SONGS FROM EGMONT (LIEDER AUS EGMONT): The Drums Loud are Beating (Die Trommel geruhret); Joyful and Mournful (Freudvoll und Leidvoll)].
Product Id: SG30208
Price: AU$20.00
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Beethoven Op. 98 An die ferne Geliebte (To The Distant Beloved) For High Voice and Piano. Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics Vol. 616.
Beethoven song-Cycle. Used second hand book with a cycle of 6 songs with German words and English words translated by Dr Theodore Baker. Prefatory note by H E Krehbiel.
24 pages. 15851. (G Schirmer/'Chappell & Co, undated) A few small tears in spine, one taped at top. Corners worn. Pages are very good.
Product Id: SG29963
Price: AU$10.00
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Beethoven Samtliche Lieder fur eine Singstimme mit Klavierbegleitung. Edition Peters Nr. 180. Beethoven Lieder.
Used second hand softcover piano song book of sheet music with German words; some pieces also have Italian words. 194 pages.
Ex-Library copy. 9535. (C F Peters. Frankfurt. Undated) Ex-Library with the usual stamps, marks and stickers.
Pocket for card on reverse of front cover. Borrowers' card pasted to front free endpaper. Foxing on covers and edges
of pages. Title of book hand-written on spine. Pages are very good. List of songs:
Ah! perfido; Als mir noch die Trane; An der allein; Auf dem Hugel sitz ich; Beato quei che; Che fa, che fa il
mio bene; Che fa, il mio bene; Darf nimmer ich dir nahen; Das ist die Schreckensstunde; Den stummen Felsen nur;
Der Fruhling entbluhet; Der Hoffnung letzer Schimmer; Der lebt ein Leben; Die du so gern; Die Flamme lodert;
Die Himmel Ruhmen; Die stille Nacht umdunkelt; Die Trommel geruhret; Dimmi, ben mio; Dort auf dem hohen Felsen;
Du sagtest, Freund; Ecco quel fiero; Ein grosses deutsches Volk; Einsam wandelt dein Fruend; Einst wohnten suse
Ruh; Es bluht ein Blumchen; Es war einmal ein Konig; Freudvoll und leidvoll; Gott, diene Gute reicht so weit;
Gott ist mein Lied; Hast du nicht Liebe; Ha, Treuloser; Herz, mein Herz; Horch, wie schallt's dorten' Ich denke
dein; Ich komme schon; Ich liebe dich; Ich war bei Chloen ganz allein; Ich weiss eine Farbe; Ich zieh ins Feld;
Im Arm der Liebe; In dieses Grabes Dunkel; In questa tomba oscura; Keine Klage soll erschallen; Kennst du Land;
Kleine Blumen, kleine Blatter; Lebe wohl, du Mann; Lisch aus, mein Licht; Meine Lebenszeit verstreicht;
Merkenstein! Wo ich wandle; Mit Liebesblick und Spiel; Nimmer dem liebenden Herzen; Noch weisst du nicht; Nord
oder Sud; Nur wer die Sehensucht kennt; Ob ein Gott sei; O dass ich dir vom stillen Auge; O dass ich dir stillen
Auge (fruhere Bearb.); Odi l'aura (Duet); Ohne Liebe lebe; Schildern, willst du Freund; Schnell verbluhen
(Duet); So jemand spricht; So muss ich ihm entsagen; T'intendo, si, mio, cor; Trocknet nicht; Turteltaube, du
klagest so; Was zeiht mir das Herz so; Welch ein wunderbares Leben; Wenn due Sonne niedersinket; Wenn ich ein
Voglein war; Wenn jemand eine Reise tut; Wer, wer ist ein freier Mann; Wie herrlich leuchtet mir die Natur;
Wo bluht das Blumchen; Zwar schuf das Gluck.
Product Id: SG22163
Price: AU$15.00
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Bellini Composizioni da camera per Canto e Pianoforte songbook. Bellini Lieder. Used second hand book of 15 songs by Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini
with piano accompaniment and Italian words. 70 pages. 123282. (G Ricordi & C., Milano, undated) Inked name stamp of previous owner and some grubby marks on covers.
Lyrics of one song pasted inside rear cover. Hinge has cracked at pages 62-63 however binding is still firm. Marks on edges of some pages, else pages are very good.
List of songs:
La farfalletta (Canzoncina) 'Farfalletta, aspetta aspetta';
Quando incise su quel marmo (Scena ed Aria) 'Questa e la valle, il sasso e questo';
Sogno d'infanzia (Romanza) 'Soave sogno de' miei primi anni';
L'abbandono (Romanza) 'Solitario zeffiretto';
L'allegro marinaro (Ballata) 'Allor che azzurro il mar Sereno';
Torna, vezzosa Fillide (Romanza) 'Torna, vezzosa Fillide';
Il fervido desiderio (Arietta) 'Quando verra quel d'';
Dolente immagine di Fille mia (Arietta) 'Dolente immagine di Fille mia';
Vaga luna, che inargenti (Arietta) 'Vaga luna, che inargenti';
Malinconia, Ninfa gentile (Arietta) 'Malinconia, Ninfa gentile';
Vanne,o rosa fortunata (Arietta) 'Vanne, o rosa fortunata';
Bella Nice, che d'amore (Arietta) 'Bella Nice, che d'amore';
Almen se non poss'io (Arietta) 'Almen se non poss'io';
Per pieta, bell'idol mio (Arietta) 'Per pieta, bell'idol mio';
Ma rendi pur contento (Arietta) 'Ma rendi pur contento'.
Product Id: SG29962
Price: AU$10.00
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Johannes Brahms 75 Songs for High Voice edited by Richard Walters, Laura Ward and Elaine Schmidt and translations by Martha Gerhart (The Vocal Library)
lieder piano songbook (1996). HL00740013. ISBN 0793546257 Brahms Lieder. Used second hand book of 75 songs by Brahms with piano accompaniment and German words with English
translations. 280 pages. (Hal Leonard Corp, 1996) A written name and a name sticker blacked out on title page. Pen marks on the index page. Else in very good condition.
Weight is 850 grams hence must be posted as a parcel. List of songs:
Ach, wende diesen Blick; Am Sonntag Morgen; Alte Liebe; An die Nachtigall; An eine Aeolsharfe; Auf dem Kirchhofe; Blinde Kuh; Botschaft; Dammrung senkte sich von oben;
Das Madchen spricht; Dein blaues Auge; Der Fruhling; Der Gang zum Liebchen; Der Jager; Der Schmied; Der Tod, das ist die kuhle Nacht; Des Liebsten Schwur; Die Liebende schreibt;
Die Mainacht; Erinnerung; Es hing der Reif; Es liebt sich so lieblich im Lenze; Es schauen die Blumen; Es Traumte mir; Feldeinsamkeit; Geheimnis; Im Garten am Seegestade;
Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer; In der Fremde; Juchhe!; Lerchengesang; Liebestreu; Madchenlied (Kapper); Madchenlied (Am jungsten Tag); Madchenlied (Auf die Nacht in der Spinnstubn);
Meine Liebe ist grun; Meine Lieder; Minnelied; Mondnacht; Nachtigall; Nachtigallen schwingen; Nicht mehr zu dir zu gehen; O komme, holde Sommernacht; O kuhler Wald; O liebliche Wangen;
O wusst ich doch den Weg zuruck; Regenlied; Salamander; Sappische Ode; Sehnsucht; Serenade; Sommerabend; Sonntag; Spanisches Lied; Standchen (folksong); Standchen (Kugler); Therese;
Treue Liebe; Unbewegte laue Luft; Vergebliches Standchen; Verzagen; Von ewiger Liebe; Vorschneller Schwur; Wie bist du, meine Konigin; Wie Melodien zieht es mir; Wiegenlied; Wir wandelten.
ZIGEUNERLIEDER: He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten eun; Hochgeturmte Rimaflut, wie bist du so trub; Wisst ihr, wann mein Kindchen am allerschonsten ist?; Lieber Gott, du weisst, wie oft
bereut ich hab; Brauner Bursche fuhrt zum Tanze; Roslein dreie in der Reihe; Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn; Rote Abendwolken ziehn am Firmament.
Product Id: SG31977
Price: AU$25.00
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Chopin Polnische Lieder fur eine Singftimme for Sopran oder Tenor and Piano songbook. Edition Peters No. 1925a. Used second hand book of 16 songs
by Fred. Chopin for High Voice with Piano accompaniment and German words in deutscher ubersetzung von Wilh. Henzen und Max Kalbeck. 40 pages. 9098. (C F Peters,
Liepzig, undated) Inked name stamp of previous owner on cover. Tears in spine. Light foxing on edges. Pages are very good. List of songs:
Madchens Wunsch (Witwicki); Fruhling (Witwicki); Trube Wellen (Witwicki); Bacchanal (Witwicki); Was ein junges Madchen liebt (Witwicki); Mit aus den Augen
(Mickiewicz); Der Bote (Witwicki); Mein Geliebter (Zaleski); Eine Melodie (Dichter unbekannt); Der Reitersmann vor der Schlacht (Witwicki); Zwei Leichen (Zaleski);
Meine Freuden (Mickiewicz); Melancholie (Zaleski); Das Ringlein (Witwicki); Die Heimkehr (Witwicki); Litauisches Lied (Witwicki).
Product Id: SG29961
Price: AU$10.00
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Coningsby Clarke A First Sheaf of Little Songs for High Voice -verses by- Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall -music by- Robert Coningsby Clarke (1908). Used second hand
oversize book of piano sheet music scores with words. 15 pages. 23752. (Chappell & Co. London. 1908) Oversize hence must be posted as a parcel. Inked
stamps on cover and title page. Written gift inscription on title page. Covers are loose and worn on edges, fold and corners. Foxing on edges of the music,
and corners of music pages are worn. Music is very good. List of contents:
Hands and Lips; Our Little Love is Newly Born; You're Just as Pretty as the Day; Butterfly; Gentle Dame Pricilla; You, Dear, And I.
Product Id: SG21595
Price: AU$15.00
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Coningsby Clarke A Second Sheaf of Little Songs for High Voice and Piano -verses by- Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall -music by- Robert
Coningsby Clarke (1909). Used second hand oversize book of piano sheet music scores with words. 16 pages. Oversize hence must be posted as a parcel. 24135.
(Chappell & Co. London. 1909) Inked stamps on cover and title page. Written gift inscription on title page. Covers are faded, loose and worn on spine.
Thread binding is missing so all the pages are loose but all pages are present. Foxing on edges of the music, and corners
of music pages are worn. Music is very good. List of contents:
Fruit of the Nisperos; That Was Yesterday; Lily White; The Shepherd-Boy; The Hour of Silent Loving; Take me With You When You Fly.
Product Id: SG21596
Price: AU$15.00
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Claude Debussy Thirty Songs For High Voice piano songbook (1959). Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics Vol. 1784. Debussy Lieder.
Used second hand book of Claude Debussy sheet music scores for piano with French and English words. 150 pages. 43026. (G Schirmer Inc, New York, 1959)
Covers are marked and worn. Corners worn. Rusty mark and an occasional small tear in upper edge of some pages from a paper clip now removed. One page
torn on edge and taped. Else pages are very good. Weight 550 grams hence must be posted as a parcel. List of songs:
Nuit d'Etoiles (Lovely Night of Stars) (original words Theodore de Banville English words Susanna Myers).
Beau Soir (Evening Fair) (original words Paul Bourget English words Henry G Chapman).
Fleur des Bles (Field Flowers) (original words Andre Girod English words Susanna Myers).
Mandoline (Mandolin) (original words Paul Verlaine English words Henry G Chapman).
Voici que le Primtemps (Comes The Spring) (original words Paul Bourget English words M Louise Baum edited H Clough-Leighter).
CINQ POEMS DE BAUDELAIRE (original words Charles Baudelaire English words Susanna Myers): Le Balcon (The Balcony); Harmonie du Soir (Evening Harmony);
Le Jet d'Eau (The Fountain); Recueillement (Contemplation); La Mort des Amants (The Death of Lovers).
ARIETTES OUBLIEES (original words Paul Verlaine): C'est l'extase langoureuse ('Tis The Ecstasy of Languor) (English words Bliss Carman); Il pleure
dans mon coeur (There's Weeping in my Heart) (English words Bliss Carman); Chevaux de Bois (Merry-go-round) from 'Paysages Belges' (English version by
Noel Finley); Green (Aquarelle) (English version by Noel Finley); Spleen (Aquarelle) (English version by Noel Finley); L'Ombre des Arbes (Shadows of
Trees) (English version by Noel Finley).
DEUX ROMANCES (original words Paul Bourget): Romance (English version by M Louise Baum); Les Cloches (The Bells) (English version by Bliss Carman ed
H Clough-Leighter).
Le son du Cor s'afflige (The Distant Horn is Grieving) (original words Paul Verlaine English version Susanna Myers).
L'Echelonnement des Haies (The Bayberry Bushes) (original words Paul Verlaine English version Susanna Myers).
FETES GALANTES (original words Paul Verlaine): En Sourdine (Muted) (English version Susanna Myers); Clair de lune (Moonlight) (English version Susanna Myers);
Fantoches (Puppets) (English version Lorraine Noel Finley).
PROSES LYRIQUES (original words Claude Debussy); De Reve (A Vision) (English version Lorraine Noel Finley); De Greve (From The Shore) (English version
Lorraine Noel Finley); De Fleurs (Of Flowers) (English version Lorraine Noel Finley)De Soir (Evening) (English version Lorraine Noel Finley).
CHANSONS DE BILITIS (original words Pierre Louys): La Flute de Pan (The Flute of Pan) (English version Lorraine Noel Finley); La Chevelure (Her Hair)
(English version Henry G Chapman); Le Tombeau des Naiades (The Tomb of the Naiads) (English version Lorraine Noel Finley).
Product Id: SG30543
Price: AU$20.00
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John Dowland (1563-1626) Fifty Songs Book 1 for High Voice and Piano edited by Edmund H Fellowes (1971). Dowland Lieder.
Used second hand book of 25 songs by John Dowland for High Voice with Piano accompaniment and words. 50 pages. 3334. (Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, 1971)
Front cover is sunned on outer edge, else in very good condition. List of songs:
Unquiet thoughts; Who ever thinks or hopes of love; My thoughts are wing'd with hope; If my complaints could passions move; Can she excuse my wrongs?;
Now, O now I needs must part; Dear, if you change; Burst forth, my tears; Go, crystal fears; Come away, come sweet love; Rest awhile, you cruel cares;
Sleep, wayward thoughts; Wilt thou, unkind, thus leave me?; Come again, sweet love doth now invite; His golden locks; Awake, sweet love, thou art returned;
Come, heavy sleep; I saw my lady weep; Flow my tears; Sorrow, stay; Mourn Day is with darkness fled; Fine knacks for ladies; Now cease my wand'ring eyes;
White as lilies was her face; A shepherd in a shade.
Product Id: SG29959
Price: AU$15.00
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John Dowland (1563-1626) Fifty Songs Book 2 for High Voice and Piano edited by Edmund H Fellowes (1971). Dowland Lieder.
Used second hand book of 25 songs by John Dowland for High Voice with Piano accompaniment and words. 52 pages. 3335. (Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, 1971)
Front cover is sunned on edges, else in very good condition. List of songs:
Shall I sue; Clear or cloudy; Time stands still; Me, me, and none but me; Say love if ever thou didst find; Flow not so fast, ye fountains; What if
I never speed?; By a fountain where I lay; O what hath overwrought; Farewell unkind; Weep you no more, sad fountains; It was a time when silly bees;
The lowest trees have tops; Disdain me still; Sweet, stay awhile; Love those beams; Shall I strive with words to move; Were every thought an eye;
Tell me, true love; If that a sinner's sighs; Where sin sore wounding; My heart and tongue were twins; Far from triumphing court; Lady, if you so
spite me; In darkness let me dwell.
Product Id: SG29960
Price: AU$15.00
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Anton Dvorak Gipsy Songs (Zigeunermelodien) Op. 55 for High Voice with Piano Accompaniment translated by Percy Pinkerton (1912)
piano songbook. Dvorak Lieder. Used second hand song book for High Voice with piano accompaniment and English and German words. 24 pages.
Lengnick 3111b. (Alfred Lengnick & Co Ltd, UK, 1912) Covers are marked and faded & worn on outer edges. Pages are very good. List of contents:
My Song Resounds (Mein Lied ertont) Op. 55 No. 1;
Hark! How My Triangle (Ei, wie mein triangel) Op. 55 No. 2;
Silent Woods (Rings ist der Wald) Op. 55 No. 3;
Songs My Mother Taught Me (als die alte Mutter) Op. 55 No. 4;
Tune Thy Fiddle, Gipsy! (Reingestimmt die Saiten) Op. 55 No. 5;
Garbed in Flowing Linen (In dem weitem, breiten, luft'gen Leinenkleide) Op. 55 No. 6;
The Heights of Tatra (darf des Falken Schwinge) Op. 55 No. 7.
Product Id: SG29867
Price: AU$10.00
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Dvorak Op. 99 Biblical Songs for High Voice and Piano songbook. Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics Vol. 1824. Dvorak Lieder.
Used second hand lieder songbook containing Antonin Dvorak's Biblical Songs for high voice (in English) with piano accompaniment.
33 pages. 45572. (G Schirmer. New York. Undated) Name blacked out on front cover. Corners bumped. Else very good. List of contents:
The Fatal Hour; I'll Sail Upon The Dog Star; Silvia, Now Your Scorn; 'Tis Nature's Voice; Bess of Bedlam; Cease, O My
Sad Soul; Strike The Viol; Lord, What is Man; Sound The Trumpet; Hark! The Ech'ing Air.
Product Id: SG22415
Price: AU$8.00
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Dvorak Op. 99 Biblical Songs for High Voice and Piano songbook Book I. English Version by Astra Desmond. Dvorak Lieder.
Used second hand lieder songbook containing Antonin Dvorak's Biblical Songs for piano and high voice with English and the original Czech words.
20 pages. 3680a. (Alfred Lengnick & Co Ltd, London, 1949) Small tears both ends of spine. A written name and sticker on cover and a name written
on the index page. Pages are very good. List of contents: Clouds and Darkness; Thou, O Lord art my Hiding-Place and Shield; Hear My Prayer,
O Lord; The Lord is My Shepherd; I Will Sing a New Song unto Thee.
Product Id: SG32202
Price: AU$5.00
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Dvorak Op. 99 Biblical Songs for High Voice and Piano songbook Book II. Dvorak Lieder. Used second hand lieder songbook containing Antonin
Dvorak's Biblical Songs for piano and high voice with English and German words. 20 pages. 3233a. (Alfred Lengnick & Co Ltd, London, umdated)
Spine taped. Marks on covers. Corners worn. Pages are good. List of contents: Hear My Prayer, O Lord; By The Waters of Babylon; Turn Thee to Me;
I Will Lift Mine Eyes; Sing Ye a Joyful Song.
Product Id: SG32203
Price: AU$5.00
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Finzi Farewell To Arms Introduction & Aria For Tenor Voice and Small Orchestra or Strings Reduction for Voice and Piano -words by-
Ralph Knevet & George Peele -music by- Gerald Finzi (1945) piano songbook. Used second hand lieder song book for High Voice with piano
accompaniment. 10 pages. 15632. (Boosey & Hawkes, 1945) Inked name stamp on marked covers. Pages are very good.
Product Id: SG29907
Price: AU$10.00
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Finzi Oh Fair To See: Seven Songs for High Voice and Piano -words by- Various Poets -music by- Gerald Finzi (1966) piano songbook.
Winthrop Rogers Edition. Used second hand lieder song book for High Voice with piano accompaniment. 24 pages. 19365. (Boosey & Hawkes, 1966)
Covers are marked and faded on edges. Foxing on edges of pages, else pages are very good. List of songs:
'I Say I'll Seek Her' (Thomas Hardy);
Oh Fair to See (Christina Rossetti);
As I Lay in The Early Sun (Edward Shanks);
Only The Wanderer (Ivor Gurney);
To Joy (Edmund Blunden);
Harvest (Edmund Blunden);
Since We Loved (Robert Bridges).
Product Id: SG29908
Price: AU$10.00
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Robert Franz Vocal Album For Low Voice. Schirmer's Library Of Musical Classics Vol. 1573. Robert Franz Lieder.
Used second hand lieder songbook containing sixty-two songs by Robert Franz with German and English words and piano accompaniment.
Includes a biography of Robert Franz and critical essay -by- H W Krehbiel. 165 pages. 37596. (G Schirmer Inc. New York.
1935) Spine taped at both ends. Foxing on covers and edges of pages. Else pages are in fine condition.
Weight 600 grams. List of contents:
Abends (At Evening), Op. 11 No. 6;
Auf dem Meere (On The Ocean), Op. 36 No. 1 (Heine);
'Aus meinen grossen Schmerzen'
('Born of a Pain Undying'), Op. 5, No. 1 (Heine) (English version Dr Th. Baker);
Bitte (Entreaty), Op. 9 No. 3 (Nicolaus Lenau);
'Blatter lasst die Blume fallen' ('Strews The Ground With Leaves Each Flower'), Op. 30 No. 2 (Petofi);
Childe Harold, Op. 38 No. 3 (Heine);
'Das macht das dunkelgrune Laub' ('It Is The Leaves, So Dark And Green'), Op. 20 No. 5 (O Roquette);
Der Fichtenbaum (The Fir-Tree), Op. 16 No. 3 (Heine);
'Die blauen Fruhlingsaugen' ('The Bright Blue Eyes Of Springtime'). Op. 20 No. 1 (Heine);
'Die Liebe hat gelogen!' ('When Love Has Been A Liar!'), Op. 6 No. 4 (W Osterwald);
Die Lotosblume (The Lotus-Flower), Op. 25 No. 1 (Heine);
Die Perle (The Pearl), Op. 48 No. 4 (Fr. Ruckert);
'Die Rose, die Lilie' ('The Rose And The Lily'), Op. 34 No. 5 (Heine);
'Die schlanke Wasserlilie' ('The Lovely Waterlily'), Op. 51 No. 7 (Heine);
'Die stille Wasserrose' ('The Quiet Waterlily'), Op. 1 No. 3 (E Geibel);
'Du liebes Auge' ('Ah! Lovely Eyes'), Op. 16 No. 1 (A Roquette);
'Er ist gekommen' ('His Coming'), Op. 4 No. 7 (Fr. Ruckert);
'Es hat die Rose sich beklagt' ('It Was The Rose Who Sadly Sigh'd'), Op. 42 No. 5 (Mirza Sehaffy);
Fruhling und Liebe (Spring And Love), Op. 3 No. 3 (Hoffman v Fallersleben);
Fruhlings Ankunft (Spring's Approach), Op. 23 No. 5 (folk song);
Fur Einen (For Somebody), Op. 1 No. 8 (after Burns);
Fur Musik (For Music), Op. 10 No. 1 (E Geibel);
Genesung (Recovery), Op. 5 No. 12 (J Schroer);
Gute Nacht! (Good-Night!), Op. 5 No. 7 (Jos v Eichendorff);
'Habt ihr sie schon geseh'n?' ('Have You The Maid I Love?'), Op. 36 No. 3 (folk song);
'Herziges Schatzle du!' ('Sweetheart, My Dearest'), Op. 50 No. 1 (Swabian folk song; verses 2 and 3 by W Osterwald);
'Ich hab' in Deinem Auge' ('I Saw The Light Of Undying Love'), Op. 5 No. 6 (Fr Ruckert);
'Ich lieb' eine Blume' ('My Love Is A Flower'), Op. 28 No. 1 (Heine edited Max Spicker);
'Ich Wand're durch die stille Nacht' ('I Wander Through The Still Night'), Op. 35 No. 3 (Jos v Eichendorff);
Im Fruhling (In Spring), Op. 17 No. 5 (W Osterwald);
Im Herbst (In Autumn), Op. 17 No. 6 (Wolfgang Muller);
'Im Rhein, im heilgen Strome' ('The Rhine, Our Mystical River'), Op. 18 No. 2 (Heine);
'Lieb' Liebchen' ('The Carpenter'), Op. 17 No. 3 (Heine);
'Liebchen ist da!' ('She Is Here!'), Op. 5 No. 2 (J Schroer);
Lieber Schatz, sei wieder gut mir ('Dear My Love, Once More Be Friendly'), Op. 26 No. 2 (W Osterwald);
Liebesfruhling (The Spring Of Love), Op. 14 No. 5 (Nicolaus Lenau);
Madchen mit dem rothen Mundchen ('Maid With Lips Like Roses Blooming'), Op. 5 No. 5 (Heine);
Mailied (May Song), Op. 33 No. 3 (Goethe);
Meerfahrt (Drifting), Op. 18 No. 4 (Heine);
Mein Schatz ist auf der Wanderschaft ('My Sweetheart Now So Long Away'), Op. 40 No. 1 (W Osterwald);
Mutter, o sing' mich zur Ruh'! ('Mother! Oh Sing Me To Rest!'), Op. 10 No. 3 (F Hemans);
Nachlied (Song Of The Night), Op. 28 No. 3 (E Geibel);
Norwegische Fruhlingsnacht (Norwegian Spring Night), Op. 48 No. 6 (from the Norwegian of J S Welhaven);
Rastlose Liebe (Restless Love), Op. 33 No. 6 (Goethe);
Romanze (Romance), Op. 35 No. 4 (Jos v Eichendorff);
Sie liebten sich beide ('They Worshipp'd Each Other'), Op. 31 No. 4;
Standchen (Serenade), Op. 17 No. 2 (W Osterwald);
Stille Sicherheit (Silent Safety), Op. 10 No. 2 (N Lenau);
Traume (Dreams), Op. 43 No. 1 (W Osterwald);
Um Mitternacht (At Midnight), Op. 16 No. 6 (W Osterwald);
Umsonst (In Vain), Op. 10 No. 6 (W Osterwald);
Voglein, wohin so schnell? ('Bird, Say, Whither Thy Flight') Op. 1 No. 13 (E Geibel);
Vom Auge zum Herzen (From Eye To Heart), Op. 26 No. 5 (Fr Ruckert);
Waldfahrt (The Woods), Op. 14 No. 3 (F Korner);
Wandl' ich in dem Wald des Abends ('When I Walk In Dreamy Woodlands'), Op. 39 No. 4 (Heine);
Was pocht mein Herz so sehr? ('Why Beats My Heart So Loud?'), Op. 9 No. 1 (after Robert Burns);
Weisst du noch? ('Dost Thou Know?''), Op. 42 No. 4 (Hafis);
Widmung (Dedication), Op. 14 No. 1 (Wolfgang Muller);
Wie des Mondes Abbild ('As The Broken Moonbeams'), Op. 6 No. 2 (Heine);
Wilkommen, mein Wald! ('Now Welcome, My Wood!''), Op. 21 No. 1 (O Roquette);
Wonne der Wehmuth (Bliss Of Melancholy), Op. 33 No. 1 (Goethe);
Zwei welke Rosen ('Two Faded Roses'), Op. 13 No. 1 (M Waldau).
Product Id: SG24441
Price: AU$30.00
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Grieg Auswahl Hohe Stimme (High Voice) German words with Piano Accompaniment with some new translations by Hans Schmidt piano songbook.
Edition Peters Nr. 3208a. Grieg Lieder. Used second hand Edvard Grieg song book for High Voice with piano accompaniment and German words. 172 pages. 9457.
(C F Peters, Frankfurt, undated) Covers are marked and faded & worn on outer edges. Spine torn at top. Corners bumped. Pages are very good. Weight 410 grams.
List of contents:
Morgentau (Chamisso) Op. 4 No. 2; Jagerlied (Uhland) Op. 4 No. 4; Abschied (Heine) Op. 4 No. 3; Zwei braune Augen (Andersen, Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 5 No. 1;
Ich liebe dich (Andersen, Deutsch von F von Holstein) Op. 5 No. 3; Beim Sonnenuntergang (Munch, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 9 No. 3; Ausfahrt (Munch, Deutsch
von Hans Schmidt) Op. 9 No. 4; Margaretens Wiegenlied (Ibsen, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 15 No. 1; Waldwanderung (Andersen, Deutsch von F von Holstein)
Op. 18 No. 1; Herbststurm (Richardt, Deutsch von F von Holstein) Op. 18 No. 4; Die Hutte (Anderson, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 18 No. 7; Erstes Bergegnen
(Bjornson, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 21 No. 1; 'Guten Morgen!' (Bjornson, Deutsch von F von Holstein) Op. 21 No. 2; Dem Lenz soll main Lied erklingen
(Bjornson, ubersetzung und Dichtung der zweiten Strophe von Hans Schmidt) Op. 21 No. 3; Dein Rat ist wohl gut (Bjornson, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 21 No. 4;
Solvejgs Lied (Ibsen, Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 23; Solvejgs Wiegenlied aus Ibsens 'Peer Gynt' (Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 23; Spielmannslied (Ibsen, Deutsch von
W Henzen) Op. 25 No. 1; Glucksbote mein (Ibsen, Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 25 No. 3; Ein Schwan (Ibsen, Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 25 No. 2; Mit einer Wasserlilie
(Ibsen, Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 25 No. 4; Geschieden! (Ibsen, Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 25 No. 5; Die Prinzessin (Bjornson, Deutsch von F von Holstein);
Hoffnung (Paulsen, Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 26 No. 1; Am schonsten Sommerabend war's (Paulsen, Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 26 No. 2; Mit einer Primula veris
(Paulsen, Deutsch von W Henzen) Op. 26 No. 4; Herbststimmung (Hans Schmidt nach Paulsen) Op. 26 No. 5; Dichterlos (Vinje, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 33 No. 1;
Letzter Fruhling (Vinje, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 33 No. 2; Am Strome (Vinje, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 33 No. 5; Was ich sah (Vinje, Deutsch von Max
Kalbeck) Op. 33 No. 6; Die alte Mutter (Vinje, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 33 No. 7; Auf der Reise zur Heimat (Vinje, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 33 No. 9;
Verrat (Vinje, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 33 No. 10; Mein Ziel (Vinje, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 33 No. 12; Vom Monte Pincio (Bjornson, Deutsch von Wilh.
Henzen) Op. 39 No. 1; Verborgme Liebe (nach Bjornson, Deutsch von Wilh. Henzen) Op. 39 No. 2; Dereinst, Gedanke mein (Geibel) Op. 48 No. 2; Lauf der Welt
(Uhland) Op. 48 No. 3; Die verschwiegene Nachtigall (Walther von der Vogelweide) Op. 48 No. 4; Zur Rosenzeit (Goethe) Op. 48 No. 5; Ein Traum (Bodenstedt)
Op. 48 No. 6; Der Vagant (Drachmann, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 49 No. 1; Der Spielmann (Drachmann, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 49 No. 4; Weihnachtschnee
(Drachmann, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 49 No. 5; An das Vaterland (Paulsen) Op. 58 No. 2; Du bist der junge Lenz (Paulsen) Op. 59 No. 3; Warum schimmert dein
Auge (Paulsen) Op. 59 No. 4; Abschied (Paulsen) Op. 50 No. 5; Margaretlein (Krag) Op. 60 No. 1; Im Kahne (Krag) Op. 60 No. 3; Zur Johannisnacht (Krag) Op. 60 No. 5;
Stelldichein (aus Das Kind der Berge von Arne Garborg, Deutsch von Eugen v. Enzberg) Op. 67 No. 4; Zickeltanz (aus Das Kind der Berge von Arne Garborg, Deutsch von
Eugen v. Enzberg) Op. 67 No. 6; An meinen Sohn (Benzon, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 69 No. 1; Eros (Benzon, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 70 No. 1; Lichte Nacht
(Benzon, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) Op. 70 No. 3; Ich liebte (aus dem Oratorium 'Friede' von Bjornson, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) (aus dem Nachlass); Der Jager
(Wilhelm Schulz) (aus dem Nachlass); Weihnachts-Wiegenlied (Adolf Langsted, Deutsch von Hans Schmidt) (aus dem Nachlass).
Product Id: SG29868
Price: AU$20.00
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G F Handel A Collection of Songs Volume II Dramatic Soprano -selected and edited by-
Walter Ford. Handel Lieder. Piano arrangements newly arranged from the scores -by- Rupert Erlebach. Used second hand song
book of G F Handel soprano songs with piano accompaniment. Ex-Library copy. 86 pages. H.12503.
(Boosey & Hawkes. London. Undated) Ex-Library with the usual marks and stamps. Pocket for borrowers card inside front
cover. Covers are lightly grubby. Small tears in spine. Foxing on edges of pages. Else pages are very good.
List of contents:
Ah! The pains that afflict Him!;
Break, my heart;
Choirs of angels;
Come, pensive nun;
Come, but keep thy wonted state;
Come, beauteous boy;
Guilt trembling spoke my doom;
How great and many perils;
In Jevovah's awful sight;
Laudate Pueri;
My vengeance awakes me;
May at last my weary age;
O magnify the Lord;
O King of Kings;
Prophetic visions;
See, Hercules;
Soothing tyrant;
There, held in holy passion still;
Thou God most high;
Vain fluctuating state;
With thee th' unshelter'd moor I'd tread. (2)
Product Id: SG22030
Price: AU$10.00
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G F Handel A Collection of Songs Volume IV Contralto -selected and edited by-
Walter Ford. Handel Lieder. Piano arrangements newly arranged from the scores -by- Rupert Erlebach. Used second hand song
book of G F Handel contralto songs in English with piano accompaniment. Ex-Library copy.
88 pages. H.12389. (Boosey & Hawkes. London. Undated) Ex-Library with the usual marks and stamps. Pocket for
borrowers card inside rear cover. Borrowers' card pasted to title page. Covers are marked. Foxing on edges of pages.
Else pages are very good. List of contents:
Above measure is the pleasure;
As with rosy steps;
Bane of Virtue;
Deeds of kindness to display;
Despair no more shall fright me;
Frost nips the flowers;
Gold now is common;
Gold within the furnace tried;
Great God, who yet but darkly known;
Guards, seize the traitor;
He, who for Atlas propp'd the sky;
How green our fertile pastures;
Impious mortal;
Mortals think that Time is sleeping;
No longer, fate, relentless frown;
Oh bright example;
On fair Euphrates' verdant side;
Pleasure's gentle zephyrs play;
See, with what sad dejection;
The bird that flies in search of food;
She weeps! the gentle maid;
Then long eternity;
Through the nation he shall be;
Yet can I hear that dulcet lay;
Your tuneful voice my tale would tell.
Product Id: SG23423
Price: AU$10.00
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G F Handel A Collection of Songs Volume V Tenor Voice -selected and edited by-
Walter Ford. Handel Lieder. Piano arrangements newly arranged from the scores -by- Rupert Erlebach. Used second hand lieder song
book of G F Handel tenor songs with piano accompaniment. Ex-Library copy. 114 pages. H.12549.
(Boosey & Hawkes. London. Undated) Ex-Library with the usual marks and stamps. Pocket for borrowers card inside front
cover has been removed leaving some surface lifted. Covers are grubby. Small tears in spine. Ex libris sticker
and another name whited out on title page. Foxing on edges of pages. Else pages are very good. List of contents:
As clouds from the rage of the tempest;
Beatus vir;
Blessed are they that consider the poor;
Bowed with grief;
But how? Must I then perish in despair?;
Come, beauteous queen;
Despair not;
Enjoy the sweet Elysian Grove;
For ever blessed;
From morn to eve;
Give the vengeance due;
God is a constant sure defence;
Great Dragon has subdued our foe;
He has His mansion fixed on high;
Horror! Confusion!;
Let the deep bowl;
O Lord, how many are my foes!;
Open the marble jaws;
Pensive sorrow;
See yonder palm;
So long the memory shall last;
Softly sweet in Lydian measures;
The mighty master;
The Princes applaud;
Though bound and helpless;
To God, who made the radiant sun;
War, he sung, is toil and trouble;
Where, congealed, the northern streams;
While Kedron's brook;
Who dares intrude?;
Would you gain the tender creature?;
Ye verdant hills.
Product Id: SG22031
Price: AU$10.00
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G F Handel A Collection of Songs Volume V Tenor Voice selected and edited by Walter Ford. Handel Lieder. Piano arrangements newly arranged from
the scores by Rupert Erlebach. Used second hand lieder song book of G F Handel tenor songs with piano accompaniment. 114 pages. H.12549. (Boosey & Hawkes. London. Undated)
Inked name stamp on grubby cover. Spine very worn and torn. Name and address sticker om title page. Foxing on edges of pages. Else pages are very good. List of contents:
As clouds from the rage of the tempest;
Beatus vir;
Blessed are they that consider the poor;
Bowed with grief;
But how? Must I then perish in despair?;
Come, beauteous queen;
Despair not;
Enjoy the sweet Elysian Grove;
For ever blessed;
From morn to eve;
Give the vengeance due;
God is a constant sure defence;
Great Dragon has subdued our foe;
He has His mansion fixed on high;
Horror! Confusion!;
Let the deep bowl;
O Lord, how many are my foes!;
Open the marble jaws;
Pensive sorrow;
See yonder palm;
So long the memory shall last;
Softly sweet in Lydian measures;
The mighty master;
The Princes applaud;
Though bound and helpless;
To God, who made the radiant sun;
War, he sung, is toil and trouble;
Where, congealed, the northern streams;
While Kedron's brook;
Who dares intrude?;
Would you gain the tender creature?;
Ye verdant hills.
Product Id: SG22031B
Price: AU$10.00
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Mahler 24 Songs Volume III For High Voice and Piano songbook (1950). Mahler Lieder. Used second hand song book of Gustav Mahler classical songs for
High Voice with Piano accompaniment with German and English words. 28 pages. No. 1215. (Int'l Music Co, New York, 1950) Very good condition. List of songs:
Lob des hohen Verstands (In Praise of the Sublime Mind);
Zu Strassburg auf der Schanz (At Strasbourg on the Battlement);
Ablosung im Sommer (Replacement in Summer);
Scheiden und Meiden (Partings);
Nicht wiedersehen! (Never to Meet Again!);
Selbstgefuhl (My Mood).
Product Id: SG29943
Price: AU$10.00
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Gustav Mahler Eight Songs From 'The Youth's Magic Horn' For High Voice and Piano songbook (1943). Mahler Lieder. English translations by Nancy Bush.
Used second hand song book of Gustav Mahler classical songs for High Voice with Piano accompaniment with German and English words. 56 pages. 15479. (Boosey & Hawkes Ltd,
New York, 1943) Covers are worn and marked and have an inked name stamp of previous owner. Tears in spine. Pages have tanned and have some light creasing, else pages are
very good. List of songs:
Rheinlegendchen (Rhine Legend);
Der schildwache nachtlied (Sentinel's Night Song);
Wer hat dies liedlein erdacht (Far over the Hill);
Trost im ungluck (Comfort in Sorrow);
Wo die schonen trompeten blasen (Where the Shining Trumpets Blow);
Das irdische lebel (Life on Earth);
Des Antonius von padua fischpredigt (St. Anthony and the Fishes);
Urlicht (Primeval Light).
Product Id: SG29944
Price: AU$15.00
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Gustav Mahler Lieder Eines Fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer) Complete For High Voice and Piano songbook (1959). Mahler Lieder.
English words by Harry S Pepper. Weinberger Edition. Used second hand song book of 4 Gustav Mahler classical songs for High Voice with Piano accompaniment with
German and English words. 24 pages. (Josef Weinberger Ltd, London, 1959) Covers are worn and marked and have an inked name stamp of previous owner. Pages are
very good. List of songs:
Wenn mein schatz hochzeit macht (My Dear Love Weds Today);
Ging heut' morgen user's feld (Morning Song);
Ich hab' ein gluhend messer (There is a Glowing Dagger);
Die zwei blauen augen (When Your Eyes are Shining).
Product Id: SG29945
Price: AU$10.00
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Gustav Mahler Lieder und Gesange I Hoch For High Voice and Piano songbook. Edition Schott 829. UE 3952a. Mahler Lieder.
Used second hand song book of Gustav Mahler classical songs for High Voice with Piano accompaniment and German words. 16 pages. (B Schott's Sohne, Mainz,
/ Universal Edition, Wien, undated) Inked name stamp of previous owner on cover, covers tanned on edges, else in very good condition. List of songs:
Fruhlingsmorgan (R Leander);
Erinnerung (R Leander);
Hans und Grete (Volkslied);
Serenade aus 'Don Juan' von Tirso do Molina;
Phaantasie aus 'Don Juan' von Tirso do Molina.
Product Id: SG29946
Price: AU$10.00
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Gustav Mahler Lieder und Gesange II Hoch For High Voice and Piano songbook. Edition Schott 831. UE 3953a. Mahler Lieder.
Used second hand song book of Gustav Mahler classical songs for High Voice with Piano accompaniment and German words. 16 pages. (B Schott's Sohne, Mainz,
/ Universal Edition, Wien, undated) Inked name stamp of previous owner on cover, covers tanned on edges, else in very good condition. List of songs:
Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen aus 'Des Knaben Wunderhorn';
Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grunen Wald aus 'Des Knaben Wunderhorn';
Aus! Aus! aus 'Des Knaben Wunderhorn';
Starke Einbildungskraft aus 'Des Knaben Wunderhorn'.
Product Id: SG29947
Price: AU$10.00
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Mendelssohn Ausgewahlte Lieder Hohe Stimme (Losse) piano songbook. Edition Peters 4570a. Mendelssohn Lieder. Used second hand book of
Mendelssohn songs for Piano with German lyrics for High Voice edited by Paul Losse. 42 pages. 9993 11563. (C.F. Peters, Frankfurt, undated)
Inked name stamp and music shop sticker on lightly marked covers. Pages are very good. Songs are:
Das erste Veilchen Op. 19 No. 2 (Egon Ebert);
Fruhlingslied Op. 71 No. 2 (C Klingemann);
Gruss Op. 19 No. 5 (Heine);
Hirtenlied Op. 57 No. 2 (Uhland);
Auf Flugeln Gesanges Op. 34 No. 2 (Heine);
Suleika Op. 34 No. 4 (Goethe) (Marianne v. Willemer);
Wartend Romanze Op. 9 No. 3 (Dichter unbekannt);
Neue Liebe Op. 19 No. 4 (Heine);
Jagdlied Op. 84 No. 3 (aus des Knaben Wunderhorn);
Venetianisches Gondellied Op. 57 No. 5 (Nach Th. Moore);
Pagenlied (Nachlass) (Eichendorff);
Der Mond Op. 86 No. 5 (Geibel);
Bei der Wirge Op. 47 No. 6 (C Klingemann);
Nachlied Op. 71 No. 6 (Eichendorff);
Andres Maienlied (Hexenlied) Op. 8 No. 8 (Holty);
Erntelied Op. 8 No. 4 (Altes Kirchenlied);
Des Madchens Klage (Nachlass) (Schiller);
Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden Op. 99 No. 5 (Geibel);
Volkslied Op. 47 No. 4 (Ernst Frhr. von Feuchtersleben);
Lieblingsplatzchen Op. 99 No, 3 (Friederike Robert).
Product Id: SG30538
Price: AU$10.00
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Mussorgsky Without Sun A Cycle Of Six Songs For Medium-Low Voice and Piano (1960). Mussorgsky Song-Cycle.
Used second hand book of song-cycle by Modest Mussorgsky for Medium-Low Voice with Piano accompaniment with original Russian Cyrillic and English words by
Humphrey Proctor-Gregg. 32 pages. No. 1994. (Int'l Musc Co, New York, 1960) Covers sunned on edges, else in very good condition. Songs are:
Within Four Walls; In The Crowd; An End At Last To Senseless Day; Ennui; Elegy; On The River.
Product Id: SG29957
Price: AU$10.00
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Mussorgsky Songs and Dances of Death For High Voice and Piano (1960). Mussorgsky Lieder.
Used second hand book of 4 songs by Modest Mussorgsky for High Voice with Piano accompaniment with original Russian Cyrillic and English words by
Marion Farquhar. 38 pages. No. 1795. (Int'l Musc Co, New York, 1951) Covers sunned on edges and a small section of surface torn, else in very good
condition. Songs are: Lullaby; Serenade; Trepak; Commander-in-Chief.
Product Id: SG29958
Price: AU$10.00
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Purcell 40 Songs For Voice And Piano High Voice Volume II (Sergius Kagan) (1958) piano songbook. International
Music Company No. 1635. Henry Purcell Lieder. Used second hand song book of songs by Henry Purcell for High Voice with piano accompaniment with the
realisation of the figured bass and editing by Sergius Kagan. 32 pages. (International Music Company, New York, 1958) Very good condition.
List of songs:
From Rosy Bowers (Don Quixote) (Henry Purcell); Ah, Belinda, I am Prest (Dido and Aeneas) (Henry Purcell); Thy Hand, Belinda! When I am
Laid in Earth (Dido and Aeneas) (Henry Purcell); What Shall I Do (Dioclesian) (Henry Purcell); Your Awful Voice (The Tempest); More Love or
More Disdain (Henry Purcell); Since From My Dear (Henry Purcell); Man Is For The Woman Made (The Mock Marriage) (Henry Purcell); The
Knotting Song (Henry Purcell); The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation (Harmonia Sacra) (Henry Purcell).
Product Id: SG29865
Price: AU$10.00
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Purcell 40 Songs For Voice And Piano High Voice Volume III (Sergius Kagan) (1958) piano songbook. International
Music Company No. 1636. Henry Purcell Lieder. Used second hand song book of songs by Henry Purcell for High Voice with piano accompaniment with the
realisation of the figured bass and editing by Sergius Kagan. 40 pages. (International Music Company, New York, 1958) Inked name stamp of previous
owner on cover with foxing on edges of cover. Pages are very good. List of contents:
The Fatal Hour (Henry Purcell); I'll Sail Upon The Dog Star (A Fool's Preferment) (Henry Purcell); Silvia, Now Your Scorn (Henry Purcell);
'Tis Nature's Voice (Ode on St. Cecilia's Day) (Henry Purcell); Bess of Bedlam (Henry Purcell); Cease, O My Sad Soul (Henry Purcell);
Strike The Viol (Henry Purcell); Lord, What is Man (Harmonia Sacra) (Henry Purcell); Sound The Trumpet (Henry Purcell); Hark! The Ech'ing Air
The Fairy Queen) (Henry Purcell).
Product Id: SG22414
Price: AU$10.00
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Purcell 40 Songs For Voice And Piano High Voice Volume IV (Sergius Kagan) (1959) piano songbook. International
Music Company No. 1637. Henry Purcell Lieder. Used second hand song book of songs by Henry Purcell for High Voice with piano accompaniment with the
realisation of the figured bass and editing by Sergius Kagan. 42 pages. (International Music Company, New York, 1959) Cover faded on outer edge.
Pen tick on index page, else pages are very good. List of contents:
Not All My Torments (Henry Purcell); O, Lead Me to Some Peaceful Gloom (Bonduca) (Henry Purcell); Sweet, Be No Longer Sad (Henry Purcell);
I Attempt From Love's Sickness to Fly (The Indian Queen) (Henry Purcell); An Evening Hymn (Harmonia Sacra) (Henry Purcell); There's Not a Swain
on The Plain (Henry Purcell); Nymphs and Shepherds (The Libertine) (Henry Purcell); Hark! How All Things (The Fairy Queen) (Henry Purcell); Come
All Ye Songsters (The Fairy Queen) (Henry Purcell); The Queen's Epicedium (Elegy on the death of Queen Mary, 1695) (Henry Purcell in Latin with English
translation by Waldo Lyman).
Product Id: SG29866
Price: AU$10.00
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Serge Rachmaninoff Complete Songs For Voice and Piano songbook (Dover 1998). ISBN 9780486401959/0486401952. Rachmaninoff Lieder. Used second hand song book
of Serge Rachmaninoff classical songs for Voice with Piano accompaniment with original Russian Cyrillic and English words by Edward Agate. 266 pages.
(Dover Publications inc, New York, 1998) Front cover worn on edges and creased on one corner. Marks on rear cover. Pages are very good. Weight 800 grams. List of contents:
Six Songs Op, 4; Six Songs Op. 8; Twelve Songs Op. 14; Twelve Songs Op. 21; Fifteen Songs Op. 26; Fourteen Songs Op. 34; Six Songs Op. 38.
Product Id: SG29926
Price: AU$25.00
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Rossini Serate Musicali (Soirees Musicales) per Canto e Pianoforte by Gioacchino Rossini Part 1: 8 ariette e 4 duetti per studio del canto
Italiano piano songbook. E. R. 2413. Rossini Lieder. Used second hand song book of Rossini Ariette with piano accompaniment and Italian and French words.
52 pages. (G Ricordi & C, Milano, undated) Inked name stamp and music shop bookplate on marked cover. Tears in spine. Pages have evenly tanned on edges, else
pages are very good. List of contents:
La Promessa (Canzonetta) (words Pietro Metastasio);
Il Rimprovero (Canzonetta) (words Pietro Metastasio);
La Partenza (Canzonetta) (words Pietro Metastasio);
L'Orgia (Arietta) (words Carlo Pepoli);
L'Invito (Bolero) (words Carlo Pepoli);
La Pastorella delle Alpi (Tirolese) (words Carlo Pepoli);
La Gita in Gondola (Barcarola) (words Carlo Pepoli);
La Danza (Tarantella Napoletana) (words Carlo Pepoli).
Product Id: SG30540
Price: AU$10.00
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Franz Schubert Song Album piano songbook. Imperial Edition No. 387. Schubert Lieder. Used second hand song book for piano with English and
German lyrics. (Allan & Co, Melbourne, no date) 27 pages. Previous owner's name typed on grubby and
creased cover, small tears in fold, pages have tanned, some foxing on edges,
small piece torn from lower corner of rear cover, music is good. Contents are:
Ave Maria in original key Bb (words by Sir Walter Scott "The Lady of the
Lake") (Op. 52); Cradle Song (Wiegenlied) (Op. 98, No. 2); Hark! Hark! The
Lark (Morgenstandchen) (words by Shakespeare "Cymbeline"); Hedge Rose
(German words by Goethe, English words by Ivan Tait) (Op. 3, No. 3); Serenade (Standchen);
The Wanderer (words by Schmidt von Lubeck) (Op. 4); Thine is My Heart
(Impatience) (Ungeduld) (Op. 25, No. 7); Who is Sylvia (Was ist Sylvia) (words by Shakespeare).
Product Id: SG13119
Price: AU$10.00
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Franz Schubert Complete Song Cycles (Die Schone Mullerin; Die Winterreise; Schwanengesang). Schubert Lieder. Used second hand sheet music
for piano with German words. Edited -by- Eusebius Mandyczewski. From the Breitkopf & Hartel Complete Works Edition. Translations
-by- Henry S Drinker. (Dover Publications Inc. New York. 1970) ISBN 0486226492. Used second hand softcover book. 217 pages. Covers are grubby
and bumped on corners. Foxing inside covers and on first and last few pages. Else pages are very good.
Product Id: SG18368
Price: AU$25.00
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Schubert Selected Songs Volume 1A - Medium piano songbook. Allans Edition No. 574. Songs by Franz Schubert. Schubert Lieder.
Used second hand sheet music book for piano with German and English words for medium voice. 64 pages. B.5350. (Allans Music. Melbourne.
1945) Ex Library. Inked stamps on front cover, index page and other pages. Library card and pocket for card pasted inside
front cover. Wear to both ends of spine. Foxing on covers and edges of pages. Else pages are very good. List of songs:
The Almighty (Die Allmacht), Op. 79, No. 2 (original words by J L Pyrker, English words by Alfred Wheeler);
Cradle Song (Wiegenlied) Op. 98, No. 2 (words by M von Claudius);
The Linden Tree (Der Lindenbaum) Op. 89, No. 5 (original words by W Muller, English words by Louis Lavater);
Morning Greeting (Morgengruss) Op. 25, No. 8 (original words by W Muller, English words by Francis La Borde);
O Lovely Peace (Du bist die Ruh) Op. 59, No. 3 (original words by F Ruckert, English words by Francis La Borde);
The Questioner (Der Neuguerige) Op. 25, No. 6 (original words by W Muller, English words by Francis La Borde);
Serenade (Standchen) (words by L Rellstab);
A Dream of Spring (Fruhlingstraum) Op. 89, No. 11 (original words by W Muller, English words by Francis La Borde);
The Trout (Die Forelle) Op. 32 (original words by C F D Schubart, English words by Louis Lavater);
The Wanderer (Der Wanderer) Op. 4, No. 1 (original words by G P Schmidt, English words by Thomas Oliphant);
Whither? (Wohin?) Op. 25, No. 2 (original words by W Muller, English words by Louis Lavater);
Heather Rose (Heiden Roslein) Op. 3, No. 3 (original words by Goethe, English words by Louis Lavater);
Who is Sylvia? Op. 106, No. 4 (words by Shakespeare);
My Tears Forever Flowing (Die Liebe Hat Gelogen) Op. 23, No. 1 (original words by A von Platen, English words by Francis La Borde);
Wandering (Das Wandern) Op. 25, No. 1 (original words by W Muller, English words by Louis Lavater). (6)
Product Id: SG21431
Price: AU$10.00
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Schubert Selected Songs Volume 2B - High piano songbook. Allans Edition No. 577. Songs by Franz Schubert. Schubert Lieder.
Used second hand sheet music book for piano with German and English words for high voice. 64 pages. B.5353. (Allans Music. Melbourne.
1955) Foxing on covers and edges of pages. Else pages are very good. List of songs:
Ave Maria (Walter Scott 'The Lady of the Lake'/Schubert, Op. 52 No. 6); To Be Sung On The ater (Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen)
Stollberg/English words Francis La Borde/Schubert, Op. 72); Hark! Hark! The Lark (Horch, Horch, Die Lerch) from
'Cymbaline' (Schlegel/English words Shakespeare/Schubert (Posthumous); In Sunset Glow (Im Abendroth) (Lappe/English
words Louis Lavater/Schubert (Posthumous); Impatience (Ungeduld) (Muller/English words Francis La Borne/Schubert,
Op. 25 No. 7); Laughing And Weeping (Lachen und Weinen) (Ruckert/English words Francis La Borde/Schubert, Op. 59 No. 4);
Litany (Litanei Auf Das Fest Aller Seelen) (Jacobi/English words Francis La Borde/Schubert (Posthumous); The Mock Suns
(Die Nebensonnen) (Muller/English words Francis La Borde/Schubert, Op. 89 No. 23); The Muse's Gift (Der Musensohn)
(Goethe/English words Louis Lavater/Schubert, Op. 92 No. 1); The Post Horn (Die Post) (Muller/English words Francis
La Borde/Schubert, Op. 89 No. 13); The Wraith (Der Doppelganger) (Heine/English words Francis La Borde/Schubert,
'Schwanengesang' No. 13); By The Sea (Am Meer) (Heine/English words Francis La Borde/Schubert, 'Schwanengesang' No. 12);
The Sign-Post (Der Wegweiser) (Muller/English words Francis La Bornd/Schubert, Op. 89 No. 20); Death And The Maiden
(Claudius/English words Francis La Borde/Schubert, Op. 7 No. 3); Good Night! (Gute Nacht) (Muller/English words Francis
La Borde/Schubert, Op. 89 No. 1); Spring Is Coming (Fruhlingsglaube) (Uhland/English words Francis La Borde/Schubert,
Op. 20 No. 2); The First Loss (Erster Verlust) (Goethe/English words J A Leckie/Schubert, OP. 5 No. 4); Wanderer's
Night Song (Wanderer's Nachlied) (Goethe/English words Louis Lavater/Schubert, Op. 96).
Product Id: SG24739
Price: AU$10.00
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Schubert 24 Favorite Songs By Franz Schubert For Low Voice and Piano. Kalmus Vocal Series 9871. Schubert Lieder.
Used second hand song book of Franz Schubert songs for piano with English and German words for Low Voice. English
translation -by- Dr Theodore Baker. 95 pages. (Belwin Mills Publishing. Undated) Lightly creased. Else very good. List of songs:
The Erlking (Erlkonig); Margaret at the Spinning-wheel (Gretchen am Spinnrad); Hedge-roses (Haiden-Roslein); The Wanderer
(Das Wanderer); Praise of Tears (Lob der Thranen); Angel of Beauty (Sei mir gegrusst); Faith in Spring (Gruhlingsglaube);
The Trout (Die Forelle); The Young Nun (Die junge Nonne); Ave Maria; The Maiden's Lament (Des Madchens Klage); My Sweet
Repose (Du bist die Ruh'); Mignon's Song (Lied der Mignon); To be Sung on the Waters (Auf dem Wasser zu singen); Death and
the Maiden (Der Tod und das Madchen); Restless Love (Rastlose Liebe); The Shepherd's Lament (Schafers Klagelied);
Huntsman's Even-Song (Jagers Abendlied); Wanderer's Night-Song (Wanderers Nachtlied); Romance from Rosamund; The Secret
(Geheimes); Hark! Hark The Lark (Morgenstandchen); Who is Sylvia (Was ist Sylvia); Farewell (Adieu).
Product Id: SG24959
Price: AU$15.00
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Schumann Frauenliebe und Leben A Cycle of Eight Songs on Poems by Adelbert v. Chamisso by Robert Schumann Opus 42
for Low Voice and Piano (A Woman's Love and Life). Schumann Song-Cycle. Used second hand songbook for low voice with German and English words and piano
accompaniment with English translation by Edith Braun and Waldo Lyman. 27 pages. No. 2131. (International Music Co. New York.
Undated) Inked name and address stamps on title page. Else in fine condition. List of songs:
Seit ich ihn gesehen; Er, er Herrlichste von allen; Ich kann's nicht fassen; Du ring an meinem Finger;
Helft mir, ihr Schwestern; Susser Freund; An meinem Herzen; Nin hast du mir den ersten Schmerz getan.
Product Id: SG22429
Price: AU$10.00
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Schumann Woman's Life and Love (Frauenliebe und Leben) by Robert Schumann Op. 42 for High Voice. Schumann Song-Cycle. Imperial Edition No. 534.
Original German words -by- A Chamisso. English words -by- Francis La Borde. Lieder. Used second hand
sheet music book for piano with German and English words for High Voice. 31 pages. B.4898. (Allan & Co. Melbourne. 1947)
Covers are creased and marked. Foxing on edges of pages. Else pages are very good. List of songs:
Since I First Beheld Him (Seit ich ihn gesehen) Op. 42, No. 1;
Humility (Er, der Herrlichste von Allen) Op. 42, No. 2;
Was It a Dream (Ich kann's nicht fassen, nicht glauben) Op. 42, No. 3;
The Golden Ring (Du Ring an meinem Finger) Op. 42, No. 4;
The Wedding Day (Helft mir, ihr Schwestern) Op. 42, No. 5;
The Secret (Susser Freund, du Blickest) Op. 42, No. 6;
Mother Love (An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust) Op. 42, No. 7;
Remembrance (nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz Gethan) Op. 42, No. 8.
Product Id: SG21430
Price: AU$10.00
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Schumann Dichterliebe Opus 48 fur Singstimme und Klavier (Schumann Poet's Love Op. 48 for Voice and Piano) Urtext Original Version for High Voice
edited by Kazuko Ozawa. Henle Urtext HN 549. ISMN M-201805498. Schumann Lieder for High Voice. Used second hand book of Schumann lieder for piano with German words.
60 pages. (G Henle Verlag, undated) Tape on edges of a few pages, labels on rear cover, else in very good condition. List of songs:
Im wunderschonen Monat Mai;
Aus meinen Tranen spriessen;
Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne;
Wenn ich in deine Augen sch';
Ich will meine Seele tauchen;
Im Rhein, im heiligen Strome;
Ich grolle nicht;
Und wussten's die Blumen;
Das ist ein Floren und Geigen;
Hor' ich das Liedchen klingen;
Ein Jungling liebt ein Madchen;
Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen;
Ich hab' im Traum geweinet;
Allnachtlich im Traume;
Aus alten Marchen;
Die alten bosen Lieder.
Appendix with four songs discarded from the Cycle:
Dein Angesicht (Op. 127 No. 2);
Lehn' deine Wang' (Op. 142 No. 2);
Es leuchtet meine Liebe (Op. 127 No. 3);
Mein Wagen rollet langsam (Op. 142 No. 4).
Comments on the songs.
Product Id: SG31328
Price: AU$10.00
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Schumann Liederkreis Opus 39 fur Singstimme und Klavier Fassunden 1842 und 1850 (Schumann Song Cycle Op. 39 for Voice and Piano Versions 1842 and 1850)
Urtext Original Keys for High Voice edited by Kazuko Ozawa. Henle Urtext HN 550. ISMN 9790201805504. Schumann Lieder for High Voice. Used second hand book of Schumann
lieder for piano with German words. 82 pages. (G Henle Verlag, undated) A label on the rear cover, else in very good condition. List of songs:
Fassung 1850:
In der Fremde 'Aus der Heimat hinter den Blitzen rot';
Intermezzo 'Dein Bildnis wunderselig';
Waldesgesprach 'Es ist schon spat, es ist schon kalt';
Die Stille 'Es weiss und rat es doch Keiner';
Mondnacht 'Es war, als hatt' der Himmel';
Schone Fremde 'Es rauschen die Wipfel und schauern';
Auf einer Burg 'Eingeschlafen auf der Lauer';
In der Fremde 'Ich hor' die Bachlein rauschen';
Wehmut 'Ich kann wohl manchmal singen';
Zweilicht 'Damm'rung will die Flugel spreiten';
Im Walde 'Es zog eine Hochzeit den Berg entlang';
Fruhlingsnacht 'Uber'm Garten durch die Lufte'.
Fassung 1842:
Der frohe Wandersmann 'Wem Gott will rechte Gunst Beweisen';
Intermezzo 'Dein Bildnis wunderselig';
Waldesgesprach 'Es ist schon spat, es ist schon kalt';
Die Stille 'Es weiss und rat es doch Keiner';
Mondnacht 'Es war, als hatt' der Himmel';
Schone Fremde 'Es rauschen die Wipfel und schauern';
Auf einer Burg 'Eingeschlafen auf der Lauer';
In der Fremde 'Ich hor' die Bachlein rauschen';
Wehmut 'Ich kann wohl manchmal singen';
Zweilicht 'Damm'rung will die Flugel spreiten';
Im Walde 'Es zog eine Hochzeit den Berg entlang';
Fruhlingsnacht 'Uber'm Garten durch die Lufte'.
Lied Eichendorff Fassung von No. 2 fur Marie Elisabeth Grafin Schlick;
Mondnacht Fassung von No. 5 fur Mariane Bargiel;
Mondnacht Fruhfassung von No. 5;
Fruhlingsnacht Transponierte Fassung von No. 12.
Comments on the songs.
Product Id: SG31329
Price: AU$20.00
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Richard Strauss Lieder-Album I for High Voice and Piano songbook. Used second hand lieder song book
of Richard Strauss songs for High Voice with piano accompaniment with original German words and English words by John Bernhoff. 36 pages.
(Universal Edition, undated) Covers are marked and lightly creased. Spine torn at both ends. Pages are loose from one staple. Pen marks
on the last page which has no music notation but is a list of contents for all books in this series. Else pages are very good. List of songs:
Morgen! (Tomorrow!) Op. 27 No. 4;
'Du Meines Herzens Kronelein' ('Pride of My Heart') Op. 21 No. 2;
Meinem Kinde (To My Baby) Op. 37 No. 3;
'Wozu Noch Madchen' ('Say, Wherefore Vainly') Op. 19 No. 1;
Zeugnung (Devotion) Op. 10 No. 1;
Die Nacht (Night) Op. 10 No. 3;
Fruhlings Gedrange (Voices of Spring) Op. 26 No. 1;
Fur Funfzehn Pfennige (And All For Half-a-Crown) Op. 36 No. 2;
'Ach Weh Mir Ungluckhaftem Mann' (Ah, Woe is me, Unhappy Man!' Op. 21 No. 4;
Die Georgine (The Georgina) Op. 10 No. 4;
Ich Liebe Dich (I Love But Thee) Op. 37 No. 2.
Product Id: SG29909
Price: AU$10.00
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Richard Strauss Lieder-Album II for High Voice and Piano songbook. Strauss Lieder. Used second hand song book
of Richard Strauss songs for High Voice with piano accompaniment with original German words and English words by John Bernhoff. 38 pages.
(Universal Edition, undated) Covers are marked and lightly creased. Spine torn at both ends. Pages are very good. List of songs:
Traum Durch Die Dammerung (Dream in The Twilight) Op. 29 No. 1;
'Ich Trage Meine Minne' ('To None Will I My Love' Op. 32 No. 1;
'All Mein Gedanken' ('All The Fond') Op. 21 No. 1;
Nachtgang (At Night) Op. 29 No. 3;
Geduld ('O Wait!') Op. 10 No. 5;
'Wie Sollten Wir Geheim Sie Halten' ('Why Should We Seek to Hide Our Passion?') Op. 19 No. 4;
'O Warst du Mein!' ('O, Wert Thou Mine!') Op. 26 No. 2;
Ruhe, Meine Seele! (Rest Thee, My Spirit!) Op. 27 No. 1;
Hochzeitlich Lied (Nuptial Song) Op. 37 No. 6;
O Susser Mai! (Sweet Lovely May!) Op. 32 No. 4.
Product Id: SG29910
Price: AU$10.00
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Richard Strauss Lieder-Album III for High Voice and Piano songbook. Strauss Lieder Used second hand song book
of Richard Strauss songs for High Voice with piano accompaniment with original German words and English words by John Bernhoff. 38 pages.
(Universal Edition, undated) Inked name stamp on marked covers. Pages are very good. List of songs:
Heimliche Aufforderung (The Lover's Pledge) Op. 27 No. 3;
Allerseelen (All Soul's Day) Op. 10 No. 8;
Das Rosenband (The Rose-Chain) Op. 36 No. 1;
Schlagende Herzen (Longing Hearts) Op. 29 No, 2;
Nichts (Nought) Op. 10 No. 2;
'Hoffen und Wieder Verzagen' (Hoping, Yet Ever Despairing) Op. 19 No. 5;
'Mein Herz ist Stumm...' ('My Heart, So Sad...') Op. 19 No. 6;
Sehnsucht (Longing) Op. 32 No. 2;
Himmelsboten (The Angel's Love-Message) Op. 32 No. 5;
Herr Lenz (Sir Spring) Op. 37 No. 5.
Product Id: SG29911
Price: AU$10.00
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Richard Strauss Lieder-Album IV for High Voice and Piano songbook. Strauss Lieder. Used second hand song book
of Richard Strauss songs for High Voice with piano accompaniment with original German words and English words by John Bernhoff. 38 pages.
(Universal Edition, undated) Inked name stamp on marked covers. Pages are very good. List of songs:
Cacilie (Cecily) Op. 27 No. 2;
'Breit Uber Mein Haupt...' ('Droop O'er My Head...') Op. 19 No. 2;
Anbetung (Adoration) Op. 36 No. 4;
Gluckes Genug (True Love's Nliss) Op. 37 No. 1;
Die Zeitlose (The Saffron) Op. 10 No. 7;
Die Verschwiegenen (The Flowers Secret) Op. 10 No. 6;
Schon Sind, Doch Kalt... (Glorious But Cold) Op. 19 No. 3;
'Ach Lieb, Ich Muss Nun Scheiden' (Sweet Love, Now I Must Leave Thee) Op. 21 No. 3;
'Die Frauen Sind Oft Fromm und Still' ('Sweet Woman oft in Silence Prays!') Op. 21 No. 5;
Liebeshymnus (Love's Pleading) Op. 32 No. 3;
Hat Gesagt Bleibt's Nicht Dabei (Saying is not Doing) Op. 36 No. 3;
Mein Auge (My Vision) Op. 37 No. 4.
Product Id: SG29912
Price: AU$10.00
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Strauss Vocal Waltzes Arranged from the Original Waltzes of Johann Strauss by Granville Bantock to Lyrics
by Helen Bantock Book 1 piano songbook. Strauss Lieder. Used second hand song book for piano with English words. (W Paxton & Co. London. 1950)
56 pages. Covers are grubby and worn. Small tears in spine. Corners bumped. Foxing on edges of pages. Else pages are very good. Contents are:
Roses from the South; The Blue Danube; Tales from the Vienna Woods; Wine, Women and Song; Vienna Life; A Thousand and One Nights.
Product Id: SG20444
Price: AU$15.00
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Six Favourite Songs by Richard Strauss for Medium Voice and Piano. Universal Edition Nr. 10244. Strauss Lieder. Used second hand
song book of piano sheet music with German & English words. 24 pages.
(Universal Edition. Undated) Name written on grubby covers. Small tears in spine. Corners bumped. Pages are
very good. Contents are:
Heimliche Aufforderung (The Lover's Pledge), Op. 27 No. 3;
Sehnsucht (Longing), Op. 32 No. 2;
Ich trage meine Minne (To None will I my Love), Op. 32 No. 1;
Herr Lenz (Sir Spring), Op. 37 No. 5;
Traum durch die Dammerung (Dream in the Twilight), Op. 29 No. 1;
Nichts (Nought), Op. 10 No. 2.
Product Id: SG26447
Price: AU$10.00
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The World of Robert Stolz In Music, Words, And Pictures (c.1985). Stolz Lieder. Used second hand song book for piano
solo and songs for piano with chords and words. A memorial song album to Austrian composer Robert Stolz. A collection
of melodies, photographs and stories. (The Robert Stolz Publishing Co. Melbourne. Undated but circa 1985)
87 pages. Corners are bumped. Staples have rusted. Foxing on edges of pages. Else pages are very good.
List of contents:
My First Concert (Mein erstes Konzert) (piano solo); Two Hearts in Three-Quarter Time (words by Reginald Fogwell);
Father Strauss, Look Upon Me (Vater Strauss, schau runter) (words by Alfred Gruenwald/Robert Blum); Good-Bye (from 'White
Horse Inn') (words by Walter Reisch; English version by Harry Graham); Your Eyes (from 'White Horse Inn') (words by Robert
Graham; English version by Harry Graham); Waltzing in the Clouds (words by Gus Kahn); It's Foolish But It's Fun (words by
Gus Kahn); Along The Danube River (An der Donau lang) (words by Robert Gilbert); Springtime in Vienna (Fruehling in
Wien) (words by Arthur Rebner); Vienna, Where The Wine and The Waltz are Blooming (In Wien, wo der Wein und der Walzer
blueht) (words by Alfred Gruenwald); A Song From Past Days (Spiel, mein lieber Werkelmann) (words by Ludwig H Ulrich);
O Mia Bella Napoli (words by Alfred Gruenwald/Ludwig Herzer); Heavenly Blue Dreams (Himmelblaue Traume) (piano solo);
Don't Ask Me Why (Frag nicht, warum ich gehe) (piano solo); Never Go To Sleep Without A Kiss (Ungekusst sollst du
nicht schlafen gehn) (piano solo); Keep Me Darling (Behalt mich lieb, Cherie) (piano solo); I Want to be in Love
Again (Ich moecht' einmal wieder verliebt sein) (words by Robert Gilbert/Armin L Robinson); I Love You (Ich liebe Dich)
(words by Ernst Marischka); Royal Romance (Wenn wir uns wiedersih'n) (words by Fred Weyrich); You Are The One For Me (Du
bist auf dieser Welt) (words by Ernst Marischka; The Park of Sanssouci (Komm in den Park von Sanssouci) (piano solo);
Romeo (words by Jimmy Kennedy); Hello You (Servus Du) (words by Bruno Vigny); The Linden Tree, Op. 614 (Vor meinen Vaterhaus)
(words by Bruno Hardt-Warden); Ave Maria, Op. 621 (words by Bruno Hardt-Warden) (with German and Latin words).
Product Id: SG18818
Price: AU$15.00
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Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Songs Volume 1 High Voice: 20 Romances For Voice and Piano songbook (1995). ISMN M-060097980. Tchaikovsky Lieder.
Used second hand song book of 20 P I Tchaikovsky classical songs for High Voice with Piano accompaniment with original Russian Cyrillic and English words by
Roger Vignoles. 116 pages. 9798. (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers, 1995) In very good condition. Weight 420 grams. List of contents:
Believe It Not, My Friend, Op. 6 No. 1;
My Friend, Not a Word Now, Op. 6 No. 2;
Why? Op. 6 No. 5;
'None But The Lonely Heart', Op. 6 No. 6;
So Soon Forgotten... without opus number;
Cradle Song, Op. 16 No. 1;
Why Did I Ever Dream of You, Op. 28 No. 3;
The Fearful Moment, Op. 28 No. 6;
'Twas in the Early Spring, Op. 38 No. 2;
At The Ball, Op. 38 No. 3;
Had I Only Known, Op. 47 No. 1;
Can It Be Day, Op. 47 No. 6;
The Bride's Lament, Op. 47 No. 7;
The Cuckoo, Op. 54 No. 8;
Spring, Op. 64 No. 9;
Lullaby in the Storm, Op. 54 No. 10;
Last Night, Op. 60 No. 1;
Nightingale, Op. 60 No. 4;
At The Window, Op. 60 No. 10;
Serenade, Op. 63 No. 6.
Product Id: SG29956
Price: AU$20.00
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Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky 6 French Songs Op. 65 and 6 German Songs Op. 73 piano songbook. Kalmus Vocal Scores 6765. Tchaikovsky Lieder.
Used second hand song book of P I Tchaikovsky classical songs with piano accompaniment with original Russian Cyrillic words; however the 6 French songs also
have French words. 48 pages. (Belwin Mills Publ Corp, New York, undated) English translation written at top of two German Songs and a few other margin notes.
Light wear and sunning to edges of covers, else very good. List of contents:
'Serenade Op. 65 No. 1 (Turquety);
'Deception' Op. 65 No. 2 (Collin);
'Serenade' Op. 65 No. 3 (Collin);
'Qu'importe que l'hiver Op. 65 No. 4 (Collin);
'Les Larmes' Op. 65 No. 5 (Blanchecotte);
'Rondel' Op. 65 No. 6 (Collin) dedicated to Desiree Artot de Padilla;
'An dem schlum mernden Strom' Op. 73 No. 1 (D M Rathaus);
'Nacht' Op. 73 No. 2 (D M Rathaus);
'O, du mondhelle Nacht' Op. 73 No. 3 (D M Rathaus);
'Sonne ging zur Ruhe' Op. 73 no. 4 (D M Rathaus);
'In truber Stund' Op. 73 No. 5 (D M Rathaus);
'Weil' ich wie einstmals allein' Op. 73 No. 6 (D M Rathaus) dedicated to Nikolay Figner.
Product Id: SG30539
Price: AU$10.00
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Tchaikovsky Six Songs Op. 28, Six Songs Op. 38 and Seven Songs Op. 47 for Piano with Russian Cyrillic lyrics. Kalmus Vocal Series 6762. Tchaikovsky Lieder.
Used second hand song book of P I Tchaikovsky classical songs with piano accompaniment with original Russian Cyrillic words. Unpaginated. (Belwin Mills Publ Corp, New York, undated)
Covers are worn and loose from pages. English lyrics written in pencil on some songs and other pencil margin notes. Else good. List of contents:
OPUS 28: 'No, Whom I Love I Will Not Name' (Grekov, after Musset);
'The Corals' (Mey, after Sirikomi);
'Why?' (Mey);
'No, I Have Never Loved';
'No Tidings Came From Thee' (Apukhtin);
'Terrible Moment' (N.N.).
OPUS 38: 'Don Juan's Serenade' (Alexey Tolstoy);
'It Was in the Early Spring' (Alexey Tolstoy);
'During The Ball' (Alexey Tolstoy);
'Oh, Could You But For One Short Hour' (Alexey Tolstoy);
'The Love of One Dead' (Lermontov);
'Pimpinella' (arranged by N.N.).
OPUS 47: 'If I Knew Him' (Alexey Tolstoy);
'The Soul Flew Heavenward' (Alexey Tolstoy);
'Evening and Morning' (N. V. Berg, after Mickiewicz);
'The Sounds of Day are Still' (Alexey Tolstoy);
'To The Forests' (Alexey Tolstoy);
'Always For Thee' (Apukhtin);
'Was I Not a Blade of Grass?' (I. Z. Surikov).
Product Id: SG31327
Price: AU$10.00
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Tosti Edizione Completa Delle Romanze Per Cando E Pianoforte Di Francesco Paolo Tosti Volume Decimo:
Songs Su Testi Inglesi Prima Raccolta piano songbook (Complete Edition Of Romantic Songs By Francesco Paolo Tosti Volume Ten (Volume 10):
Songs With English Words piano songbook (1992). ISBN 9788875923662. ISMN 9790041359052. Universal NR 135905. Tosti Lieder.
Used second hand softcover piano song book with English words only. 272 pages. (Istituto Nazionale Tostiano-Ortona/Universal Music MGB Publications, Italy, 1992).
Covers are scuffed. Some marks on index page, else pages are very good. Weight 1 kg. Songs included are:
For Ever And For Ever! (F Tosti); Let It Be Soon (F Tosti); Ask Me No More (F Tosti); At The Convent Gate (F Tosti); Back To The Old Love (F Tosti);
Because Of You (F Tosti); Come To My Heart! (F Tosti); Far Away (F Tosti); Good-Bye! (F Tosti); Help Me To Pray (F Tosti); I Am Not Fair (F Tosti); In The
Hush Of The Night (F Tosti); Love Me! (F Tosti); Love's Gift (F Tosti); Love's Return (F Tosti); Love's Way (F Tosti); My Memories (F Tosti); Now! (F Tosti);
Once More! (F Tosti); Parted (F Tosti); Pierrot's Lament (F Tosti); Remembered Still (F Tosti); Speak! (F Tosti); Starlight (F Tosti); Summer (F Tosti); Tale
Of Twilight, A (F Tosti); Tell Them! (F Tosti); That Day! (F Tosti); We Have Loved (F Tosti); While We Are Young (F Tosti); Who Knows? (F Tosti);
Who? (F Tosti); Yesterday (F Tosti).
Product Id: SG28287
Price: AU$35.00
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Richard Trunk Kinderlieder Book 1, Op. 44 Nos. 1-5 -edited by- Albert Sergel -English words by- John Bernhoff (1925).
Richard Trunk Lieder. Used second hand oversize piano song book with English & German words. 12 pages. Z.12367. (Wilhelm Zimmermann, Liepzig, 1925)
Oversize hence must be posted as a parcel. Inked stamp, name & date on cover, foxing on covers, music is very good. Contents are: Willhommen! (Queen of the May!);
Die Ganse (Goosey-Gander); Der Mann im Mond (The Man in the Moon); Das Jungfraulein (The Little Love-sick Maid); Putzmamsellchen (Little Miss Prim).
Product Id: SG4882
Price: AU$5.00
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Ralph Vaughan Williams Songs of Travel Complete Edition High Voice -words by- Robert Louis Stevenson (1969) piano songbook. Ralph Vaughan Williams Lieder.
Used second hand song book for High Voice with piano accompaniment. 40 pages. (Boosey & Hawkes Music Publ Ltd, London, 1969) Covers and
corners are worn. Light creasing. A few small pen marks on the music. Else pages are very good. Weight 200 grams. List of songs:
The Vagabond; Let Beauty Awake; The Roadside Fire; Youth and Love; In Dreams; The Infinite Shining Heavens; Whither Must I Wander; Bright is The
Ring of Words; I Have Trod The Upward and the Downward Slope (op.posth.).
Product Id: SG29862
Price: AU$10.00
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Williamson: Three Shakespeare Songs Settings For High Voice and Guitar or Piano -by- Malcolm Williamson. Malcolm Williamson Lieder. Used second hand sheet music for piano or guitar
with words for high voice. 14 pages. (Josef Weinberger Ltd. London. 1973) Ex-Library with the usual marks stamps and stickers. Pocket for library card inside front cover. Corners bumped.
Foxing on covers. Pages are very good. Songs:
Come Away, Death (from Twelfth Night); Full Fathom Five (from The Tempest); Fear No More The Heat of The Sun (from Cymbeline).
Product Id: SG22142
Price: AU$10.00
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Wolf Eichendorff-Lieder (Deutsch-English) II Tiefere Ausgabe by Hugo Wolf with Piano Accomp and English translation by John Bernhoff. Edition Peters No. 3148b.
Hugo Wolf Lieder. Used second hand book of Hugo Wolf songs with German and English words and piano accompaniment. 40 pages. 9249. (C F Peters, undated) Foxing on covers. Spine torn.
Pages are very good. Songs are:
Lieber alles (I'd Rather); Heimweh (Longing for Home); Der Scholar (The Itinerent Scholar); Der verzweifelte Liebhaber (The Despairing Lover); Unfall (Mishap); Liebesgluck
The Bliss of Love); Seemanns Abschied (The Sailor's Farewell); Erwartung (Waiting); Die Nacht (Night); Waldmadchen (Forest Nymph).
Product Id: SG30630
Price: AU$10.00
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Soprano Songs Vol. 1 piano songbook (c.1950). Lieder songbook. Used second hand piano song book with words for soprano voice with English words;
some songs also have original words. 188 pages. H.4135. (Boosey & Hawkes Inc, New York, undated but circa 1950) Covers are worn on edges and bear tape on
reverse side from brown paper cover now removed. Spine taped. Corners of pages are worn, else pages are very good. Weight 600 grams hence must be posted as a parcel.
List of songs:
The Message of Love (O Legere Hirondelle) Ariette from 'Mirella' (music Charles Gounod, English words George Linley, French words M Carre);
Rose Softly Blooming (music Spohr, words William Ball);
Solveig's Song (music Grieg, English words Paul England);
May Dew (music Sterndale Bennett, words H H Pierson);
Dawn, Gentle Flower (music Sterndale Bennett, words Barry Cornwall);
It Was A Dream (music Frederic H Cowen, words R E Francillon);
She Wandered Down The Mountain Side (music Frederic Clay, words B C Stephenson);
Kathleen Mavourneen (music F N Crouc, words Mrs Crawford);
My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair (music Haydn, words Mrs Hunter);
Tell Me, My Heart (music Sir H R Bishop, words T Morton);
Should He Upbraid (music Sir H R Bishop, words Shakespeare);
O, Bid Your Faithful Ariel Fly, from 'The Tempest' (music T Linley, words by Shakespeare);
Bid Me Discourse (music Sir H R Bishop, words Shakespeare);
Home, Sweet Home (music Sir H R Bishop, words J Howard Payne);
Where The Bee Sucks (music Dr Arne, words Shakespeare);
O That Thou Had'st Hearkened, from 'The Prodigal Son' (music Arthur Sullivan);
Oh Had I Jubal's Lyre! from 'Joshua' (music Handel);
Angels, Ever Bright and Fair, from 'Theodora' (music Handel);
Let Me Wander Not Unseen, from 'L'Allegro ed il Pensieroso' (music Handel, words Milton);
The Dew It Shines (Es Blinkt der Thau) (music Rubinstein, English words William Stigand, Gerrman words G von Boddien);
The Loreley (music Liszt, English words Paul England, German words Heine);
The Novice (Die Junge Nonne) (music Schubert, English words Paul England, German words J N Craigher);
The Almond Tree (Der Nussebaum) (music Schumann, English words M X Hayes, German words Julius Mosen);
Serenade, from 'Quand Tu Chantes' (music Gounod, English words J V Bridgeman, French words Victor Hugo);
The First Violet (Das erste Veilchen) (music Mendelssohn, English words Paul England, German words Ebert);
Come Out, Come Out, My Dears! from 'Le Retour des Promis' (music Dessauer, Engligh words Paul England, French words Bourges);
Whither? (Wohin?) (music Schubert, English words M X Hayes, German words Schubert);
O Fair, And Sweet, And Holy (Du bist wie eine Blume) (music Rubinstein, English words William Stigand, German words Heine);
Ye Powers That Dwell Below! from 'Divinites du Styx' (music Gluck, English words Paul England, German words Gluck);
The Asra (Der Asra), Op. 32 No. 6 (music Rubinstein, English words William Stigand, German words Heine);
Ave Maria, Op. 52 No. 4 (music Schubert), English words Walter Scott, with German adaptation);
The Bay of Biscay (music J Davy, words Andrew Cherry);
The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington (Traditional);
Within A Mile Of Edinburgh Town (words T D'Urfey);
Robin Adair (English form of melody, words Burns);
The Banks of Allan Water (music Anon, words M G Lewis);
Comin' Thro' The Rye (Anonymous);
The Minstrel-Boy (air 'The Moreen', words Thomas Moore);
Rich And Rare Were The Gems She Wore (air 'The Summer is Coming', words Thomas Moore);
The Ash Grove;
The Bells of Aberdovey a.k.a. The Bells of Abertawe (words Walter Maynard);
Orpheus With His Lute (music Arthur Sullivan, words Shakespeare).
Product Id: SG32102
Price: AU$20.00
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Nine Delightful Songs of Strauss and Other Waltz Kings piano songbook. Lieder. Used second hand song book of piano sheet music with English words. Coloured cover art
of 18th Century ballroom dancers. 36 pages. B.4303. (Allan & Co, Melbourne, 1942) Covers soiled, pages have tanned, a few spots of foxing, else very good. Contents are:
Queen of the Ball (Empress) (Johann Strauss II, Op. 437, words by Evelyn Wales);
Loreley (Johann Strauss I, Op. 154, words by Dorothy Greville);
Myrtle Blossoms (Johann Strauss II, Op. 395, words by Anne Trevor);
My Treasure (Johann Strauss II, Op. 418, words by Anne Trevor);
You and I (from 'The Bat' or 'die Fledermaus') (Johann Strauss II, Op. 362, words by Roy Jeffries);
Music from the Spheres (Spharenklange) (Joseph Strauss, Op. 235, words and arrangement by Evelyn Wales);
Nights of Joy (Love is my Life) (Josef Strauss, Op. 263);
Waves of the Danube (Donauwellen) (I Ivanovici, words & arrangement by Ethel Wood);
Over the Waves (Sobre les Olas (J Rosas, words by Dorothy Greville).
Product Id: SG11744
Price: AU$10.00
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Anthology Of Modern French Song For High Voice piano songbook. A Collection of Thirty-Nine Songs With Piano Accompaniment By Modern French Composers
collected & edited by Max Spicker with English translations by Henry G Chapman and Others (1939). Schirmer Ed. 829. Lieder song book of French songs by
French composers for piano with French and English words for high voice. 186 pages. 22696. (G Schirmer Inc, 1939) Covers are marked and worn. Tears in cocked spine.
Corners are worn. Page numbered circled in red on index page. A few pages creased on upper edge from a paperclip now removed. Some foxing on edges of pages. Else
pages are very good. Weight 600 grams hence must be posted as a parcel. Songs are:
Beau Soir (Evening Fair) (Debussy words Paul Bourget);
Mandoline (Mandolin) (Debussy words Paul Verlaine);
La Chevelure (Her Hair) from 'Trois Chansons de Bilitis' (Debussy words Pierre Louys);
Romance (Debussy words Paul Bourget);
Lied Maritime (A Sea-Song) Op. 43 (Vincent d'Indy);
L'heureux Vagabond (The Gay Vagabond) (Alfred Bruneau words Catulle Mendes);
Les Berceaux (The Cradles) Op. 23 No. 1 (Faure words Sully Prudhomme);
L'invitation au voyage (Invitation to the Journey) (Henri Duparc words Ch. Baudelaire);
Chanson Triste (A Song of Sorrow) (Henri Duparc words Jean Lahor);
A Lucette (To Lucette) (16th Century) (G Pierne poem by Henry Gautier-Villars);
Premier Danse (The First Dance) (Massenet words Jacques Normand);
Albayde (Ch. M Widor words Victor Hugo);
Chere Nuit (Dearest Night) (Alfred Bachelet words Eugene Adenis);
Vielle Chanson (Into The Woods) (Bizet);
Les Papillons (Butterflies) (Ernest Chausson words Theophile Gautier);
Hai luli (Sad and Lonely) (Arthur Coquard);
Bonjour, Suzon! (Good Morning, Sue!) (Delibes words Alfred de Musset);
Apres un Reve (After a Dream) (Faure words from the Tuscan by Romain Bussine);
La Charme (The Charm) Op. 2 No. 2 (Ernest Chausson words from 'Chanson des heures' by Armand Silvestre);
Le Mariage des Roses (The Marriage of the Roses) (Cesar Franck words Eugene David);
Brises d'autrefois (Breezes of Other Days) (Georges Hue words Henry Gauthier-Villars);
Les Roses d'Ispahan (The Rose of Ispahan) (Faure words Leconte de Lisle);
Nell Op. 18 No. 1 (Faure words Leconte de Lisle);
Rencontre (A Meeting) Op. 21 No. 1 (Faure words Charles Grandmougin);
L'Esclave (The Bondmaid) (Edouard Lalo words Theophile Gautier);
Soir (Evening) Op. 83 No. 2 (Faure words lbert Samain);
La Chanson de l'Alouette (The Lark's Song) (Edouard Lalo words V de Laprade);
Sur une Tombe (On a Tomb) (Guillaume Lekeu);
Le Nil (The Nile) (Xavier Leroux words Armand Renaud);
Le Roitelet (The Wren) (E Paladilhe words A Theuriet);
Les trois Pieres (Three Prayers) (E Paladilhe words Emm. des Essarts);
Psyche (E Paladilhe words Pierre Corneille);
La Solitaire (In Solitude) from the 'Melodies Persanes' (C Saint-Saens words Armand Renaud);
Le Lever de la Lune (Moonrise) (C Saint-Saens poetry imitated from Ossian);
La Cloche (The Bell) (C Saint-Saens words Victor Hugo);
Le fidele Coeur (The Faithful Heart) (Paul Vidal words Mme Blanchecotte);
'Je ne veux pas autre chose' ('Nothing I ask thee to give me' (Ch. M Widor words Victor Hugo);
Ariette 'Were I sunshine, I should come' (Paul Vidal words Paul Collin);
Nuit d'Etoiles (Starry Night) (Ch. M Widor words Th. de Banville).
Product Id: SG30553
Price: AU$25.00
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Album Of Nine Famous Tenor Songs By Popular Composers piano songbook (c.1920). Chappell Popular Albums. Lieder song book.
Used second hand oversize book of Tenor songs with Piano accompaniment. 40 pages. 34510. (Chappell & Co Ltd, London, undated but circa 1920)
Oversize hence must be posted as a parcel. Covers are worn with a small section of the surface torn away. Corners are worn. Spine torn at top.
Pages are very good. Weight 200 grams. Songs are:
Mother o' Mine (words Rudyard Kipling music Frank E Tours);
I Hid My Love (words Clifton Bingham music Guy d'Hardelot);
Rose of My Heart (words D Eardley-Wilmot music Hermann Lohr);
She Is Far From The Land (words Tom Moore music Frank Lambert);
Sweet Be Not Proud (words from Herrick's 'Hesperides' music G H Clutsam);
In Love (words Helen Taylor music Hermann Lohr);
So Fare Thee Well (words B C Stephenson music Alfred Cellier);
Venetian Song (words B C Stephenson music F Paolo Tosti);
Speak But One Word (words Edward Teschemacher music Frank Lambert).
Product Id: SG30358
Price: AU$10.00
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Classic Italian Songs For School and Studio in Three Volumes: Volume 1 Medium High edited by Mabelle Glenn & Bernard U Taylor piano songbook.
Used second hand lieder song book of Italian classic songs for Medium High Voice with piano accompaniment with original Italian words and English words.
Includes notes on the songs. 64 pages. (Oliver Ditson Co, King of Prussia PA, undated) Spine torn around staples and pages loose from one staple. A few pages
are marked on edges or have patches of wear, else pages are very good. List of songs:
Se L'Aura Spira (When Soft The Breezes) Arietta (music by Girolamo Frescobaldi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Vittoria, Mio Core! (Victorious, My Heart!) (music by Giacomo Carissimi, English words by Theo T Barker edited Heinrich Kiehl);
Selve, Voi Che le Speranze (Forest, Thy Green Arbors) Canzonetta (music by Salvator Rosa transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manny);
Tanto Sospirero (E'er Will I Sigh) Arietta (music by Pietro Paolo Bencini transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manny);
Nina (Tre Giorni) (Drei Tage Sind Verflossen) with Italian, German & English words (music by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, English words by Theodore Barker
edited Heinrich Kiehl);
O Cessate di Piagarmi (Cease, Oh, Cease) (music by Alessandro Scarlatti, English words by Theodor Marzials edited Heinrich Kiehl);
Ahi, Troppo e Duro (Alas, All Too Harsh and Ruthless) fragment from 'Il Balletto delle Ingrate' (music by Claudio Monteverde transcr Pietro Florida, English words
by Constance Purdy);
Rugiadose, Odorose (Early Blowing, Violets Growing) Canzonetta (music by Alessandro Scarlatti, English words by George Harris);
Caro Mio Ben (My Dearest Love) Arietta (music by Guiseppe Giordani [Giordanello] transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manny);
Vergin, Tutta Amor (Virgin, Full of Grace) Prayer (music by Francesco Durante transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manny);
Donzelle, Fuggite (Oh, Hasten, Ye Maidens) Canzone (music by Francesco Cavalli transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Amarilli (Amaryllis) Canzone (music by Guilio Caccini transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Lasciatemi Morire (Let Death Now Come) Lamento di Arianna (music by Claude Monteverde transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manny);
Pur Dicesti, O Bocca Bella (Speak Again, Love) Arietta (music by Antonio Lotti transcr R A Gevaert, English words by Theo T Barker edited Eduardo Marzo);
No, No, Non Si Speri! (No, No, Hope Has Perished!) Canzone (music by Giascomo Carissimi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Tu Lo Sai (Well Thou Knowest) Arietta (music by Guiseppe Torelli, modern concert transcr Pietro Florida, English words by George Harris);
Lungi Dal Caro Bene (When Far From My Dear Treasure) Aria (music by Antonio Secchi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Nathan Haskell Dole);
Invocazione di Orfeo (Invocation of Orpheus) from 'Euridice' (music by Jacopo Peri modern concert transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manny).
Product Id: SG29913
Price: AU$15.00
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Classic Italian Songs For School and Studio in Three Volumes: Volume 2 Medium High edited by Mabelle Glenn & Bernard U Taylor piano songbook.
Used second hand lieder song book of Italian classic songs for Medium High Voice with piano accompaniment with original Italian words and English words.
Includes notes on the songs. 64 pages. (Oliver Ditson Co, Bryn Mawr PA, 1949) Covers are loose from pages. Spine worn. A section of front cover surface torn.
Pages are very good. List of songs:
O Bellissimi Capelli (Locks So Beautiful) Vianella (music by Andrea Falconieri modern concert transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Ah! Quanto e Vero (Cupid Can Never) Aria of Venus from 'Il Pomo d'Oro' (music by Marcantonio Cesti transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Star Vicino (To Be Near Fair Idol) Arietta (music by Salvator Rosa transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Arthgur Westbrook);
Alma Del Core (Heart of My Own Heart) (music by Antonio Caldara transcr Pietro Florida, English words by John Alan Haughton);
Come Raggio di Sol (Like The Sun's Golden Ray) (music by Antonio Caldara transcr Pietro Florida, English words by John Alan Haughton);
Deh, Contentatevi (Pray, Let Me, Suffering) from a Cantata (music by Giacomo Carissimi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Presto, Presto io m'Innamoro (Swift My Heart Surrenders) Arietta (music by Giovanni Battista Mazzaferrata transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Che Fiero Costume (What Strange Whim Pursuing) Arietta from 'Eteocle' (music by Giovanni Legrenzi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Deh, Rendetemi (O Restore to Me) from the Opera 'La Stellidaura vendicata' (music by Francesco Provenzale transcr Pietro Florida, English words by
Charles Fonteyn Manney);
Col Mio Sangue Comprerei (I Would Spend My Blood Unheeding) fragment from the Opera 'Il Floridoro' (music by Allessandro Stradella transcr Pietro Florida,
English words by Charles Fonteyn Manney);
Danza, Danza, Fanciulla Gentile (Dance, O Dance, Gentle Maiden) Aria (music by Francesco Durante transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manney);
Non Vogl'io se non Vederti (I Wish Naught but to Survey Thee) Minuette (music by Alessandro Scarlatti transcr Pietro Florida, English words by George Harris);
E Dove t'aggiri (Oh, Whither Art Roaming) from the Opera 'Il Pomo d'Oro' (music by Marcantonio Cesti transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
L'Esperto Nocchiero (The Wise Sailor Steering) Area from the Opera 'Astarte' (music by Giovan Battista Bononcini transcr Pietro Florida, English words by
Nathan Haskell Dole);
Sento Nel Core (Loving, I Borrow) Aria (music by Alessandro Scarlatti transcr Pietro Florida, English words by George Harris).
Product Id: SG29914
Price: AU$15.00
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Classic Italian Songs For School and Studio in Three Volumes: Volume 3 Medium High edited by Mabelle Glenn & Bernard U Taylor piano songbook.
Used second hand lieder song book of Italian classic songs for Medium High Voice with piano accompaniment with original Italian words and English words.
Includes notes on the songs. 64 pages. (Oliver Ditson Co, Bryn Mawr PA, 1968) Covers are loose from pages. Some marks on the covers. Pages are very good.
List of songs:
Filli, Non t'amo piu (Phyllis No More I Love) from a Cantata (music by Giacomo Crissimi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Bella Porta di Rubini (Ruby Portal, Fair, Beguiling) Canzone madrigalesca (music by Andrea Falconieri modern concert transcr Pietro Florida, English words by
Constance Purdy);
Amor Dormiglione (Love Sleeping) Canzone (music by Barbara Strozzi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Luci Vezzose (Eyes So Alluring) (music by Bernardo Gaffi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Deh Piu a me non v'Ascondette (Oh, Those Charming Lights) Arietta (music by Giovasnni Maria Bononcini transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Constance Purdy);
Cosi, Amor, mi fai Languir! (I Languish, Love, Thy Weary Slave) Arietta (music by Alessandro Stradella modern concert transcr Pietro Florida, English words by
Charles Fonteyn Manney);
Per Pieta (O Have Pity) Aria from the Opera 'Il Floridoro' (music by Alessandro Stradella transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manney);
Chi Vuole Innamorarsi (The Man Who Would Turn Lover) Casnzonetta (music by Alessandro Scarlatti transcr Pietro Florida, English words by George Harris);
Un Certo non so che (Some One, I Know Not Who) Arietta (music by Antonio Vivaldi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by John Alan Haughton);
Begli Occhi, io non mi Pento) I Yielded Without Repenting) Aria (music by Jacopo Antonio Perti transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manney);
Selve Amiche, Ombrose Piante (Friendly Forest) Arietta (music by Antonio Caldara transcr Pietro Florida, English words by John Alan Haughton);
Se Tu m'Ami (If Thou Lov'st Me) Arietta (music by Giovan Battista Pergolesi transcr Pietro Florida, English words by Charles Fonteyn Manney);
Ombra Carsa, Amorosa (Gentle Spirit, Well Beloved) Aria from the Opera 'Antigone' (music by Tommaso Traetta transcr Pietro Florida, English words by
Charles Fonteyn Manney);
Nel Cor Piu Non mi Sento (No More My Heart is Fervent) Arietta della 'Molinara' (music by Giovanni Paisiello transcr Pietro Florida, English words by
Charles Fonteyn Manney).
Product Id: SG29915
Price: AU$15.00
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The Hundred Best Short Songs in Four Books: Book 1 (Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano and Tenor) piano lieder songbook -selected by-
Elena Gerhardt, Sir George Henschel & J Francis Harford -foreword by- H Plunket Greene. ISBN 0853602298. Used second hand piano song book
for Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano and Tenor voices. Songs have English words only unless stated. 56 pages. PAT00601. (Patterson's Publications Ltd,
London, undated) Corners worn, else in very good condition. List of songs:
Have You Seen But a White Lily Grow? (Anon. arr Diack, words Ben Jonson);
Hark! The Echoing Air (Purcell arr Diack);
Wilt Thou Not Give Thy Heart? (Willist du dein herz mit Schenken) (Bach arr Diack, English words Diack);
Be Thou With Me (Bist du bei mir) (J S Bach arr Diack, English words Diack);
Lovely Kind and Kindly Loving (Bella Vittoria) (with English and original words) (Bononcini arr Diack, English words Breton);
Nina (Tre giorni son che Nina) (with English and original words) (Pergolesi, English words Diack);
Pastoral (Carey arr Diack);
The Secret (Geheimes) (Schubert, English words Diack);
Hark! Hark! The Lark (Schubert, words Shakespeare);
Impatience (Ungeduld) (Schubert, English words Diack);
Serenade (Standchen) (Schubert, English words F.H.D.);
The Wild Rose (Haiden-Roslein) (Schubert, English words Diack);
On Wings of Song (Auf Flugeln des Gesanges (Mendelssohn, English words Bisset);
Ladybird (Marienwurmchen) (Schumann, English words Diack);
A Little Folk-song (Volksleidchen) (Schumann, English words Diack);
The Lotus Flower (Die Lotosblume) (Schumann, English words Warbeck);
Absence (Berlioz, English words J.H.B.);
'Twas in the Lovely Month of May (Im Wunderschonen Monat Mai) (Schumann, words Heine);
It is a Wond'rous Mystery (Es muss ein Wunderbares sein) (Liszt, English words Diack);
Maiden With The Lips Like Roses (Madchen mit dem roten Mundchen) (Franz, English words Diack);
Red and White The Roses (Rothe Rosen) (Brahms, English words Diack);
The Sandman (Sandmannchen) (Brahms, English words Diack);
Good Night (Gute Nacht) (Brahms, English words Bullett);
To a Nightingale (An die Nachtigall) (Brahms, English words Bullett).
Product Id: SG29057
Price: AU$15.00
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Songs At Eventide Famous Cradle Songs, Lullabies and Slumber Songs Volume 2 piano lieder songbook (1944). 'Hall of Fame' Series.
Used second hand softcover piano song book of classical songs with English words only. 24 pages. (W H Paling & Co, Sydney, 1944) Stains on edges of
covers. Pages have tanned, marks on outer edge of a few pages, else pages are in very good condition. List of songs:
Slumber Song (Kucken); Cradle Song (Wiegenlied) (Schubert, words by Bruce Irvine); The Harbour of Sleep (Brahms, words & adaptation by Bruce Irvine);
Two Princesses (theme from piano solo 'The Question' by Clarence Elkin, words by Bruce Irvine); A Mother's Reverie (Chopin, words & adaptation by
Bruce Irvine); A Bushland Lullaby (Cradle Song) (Mozart, words & adaptation by Bruce Irvine); Hush-a-bye (words & music Herman Brett); Cradle Song
(Weber); Abendlied (Evensong) (Schumann, words & adaptation by Bruce Irvine); A Song of Sleep (Handel Minuet from 'Berenice', words & adaptation by
Bruce Irvine); The Sandman (Brahms, words by Bruce Irvine); Lullaby (Wiegenlied) (Brahms, words by Bruce Irvine); Even-Song (Offenbach, words by
Bruce Irvine); Silent Night (Gruber arr Bruce Irvine); Sweet and Low (Barnby).
Product Id: SG29050
Price: AU$10.00
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Mezzo-Soprano Songs Volume 1 piano lieder songbook. Used second hand softcover Lieder piano song book
with original and English words. 188 pages. Imperial Edition. H.4691. (Boosey & Hawkes Inc, New York. Undated) Covers are worn
and mark. Corners worn, else pages are very good. List of songs:
Sappho's Farewell (O ma lyre immortelle) (Paul England, Emile Augier, Gounod);
Nymphs and Shepherds (The Libertine) (Thomas Shadwell, Henry Purcell, accomp by Miles B Foster);
May Dew (H H Pierson, Sterndale Bennett);
Dawn, Gentle Flower (Barry Cornwall, Sterndale Bennett);
She Wandered Down The Mountain Side (B C Stephenson, F Clay);
It Was a Dream (R E Francillon, FH Cowen);
Birds in the Night (A Lullaby) (Lionel H Lewin, Arthur Sullivan);
My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair (Mrs Hunter, Haydn);
Now The Dancing Sunbeams Play (The Mermaid's Song) (Haydn);
Bid Me Discourse (Shakespeare, Sir H R Bishop);
Nay! Though My Heart Should Break (F J Whishaw, Tschaikowsky);
Angels, Ever Bright and Fair, from 'Theodora' (Handel);
Lord Thy Glory Fills The Heaven (fac ut portem), cavatina from 'Stabat Mater' (Rossini);
Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel (Gretchen am spinnrade) (May Byron, Goethe, Schubert);
Peace (du bist die ruh) (M X Hayes, Schubert);
Cradle Song (weigenlied) (M X Hayes, Schubert);
In a Strange Land (in der fremde) (Constance Bache, H von Fallersleben, W Taubert);
O Fair, and Sweet, and Holy (du bist wie eine blume) (William Stigand, Heine, Rubinstein);
Thou'rt Like a Lovely Flower (du bist wie eine blume) (Heine, Schumann);
The Wild Rose (haiden roslein) (M X Hayes, Schubert);
The Bride's Song (lied der braut) (M X Hayes, Ruckert, Schumann);
Absence (May Byron, Berlioz);
Rose Softly Blooming (rose, wie bist du?), from 'Azor and Zemira' (William Ball, L Spohr);
Slumber Song (dors, mon enfant) (R H Elkin, Wagner);
Serenade (quand tu chantes) (J V Bridgeman, Victor Hugo, Charles Gounod);
Know'st Thou The Land? (kennst du das land?) (John Oxenford, Goethe, Beethoven Op.75);
Love in May (villanelle) (May Byron, Berlioz);
Fugitive Love (plaisir d'amour), Romance from 'Celestine' (May Byron, Florian, Martini);
Come, While The Twilight Closes (vieni, che poi sereno), Cavatina from 'Semiramis' (May Byron, Gluck);
The Guiding Light (vado ben spesso canglando loco) (May Byron, Salvator Rosa);
Speak, I Pray Thee! (pur dicesti) (May Byron, Antonio Lotti);
Might I Linger Anear Thee (star vicino) (May Byron, Salvator Rosa);
Every Sabbath Thine Altar Shall Be Lighted (ogni sabato avrete il lume acceso) (Percy Pinkerton, Gordigiani);
Father Eternal (Ave Maria) Evening Meditation (May Byron, Bach-Gounod);
Golden Slumbers Kiss Your Eyes (17th Century);
Oh! The Oak, And The Ash (17th Century);
The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington (traditional);
The Banks of Allan Water (words M G Lewis, Anon);
Comin' Thro' The Rye (Anon);
Within a Mile of Edinburgh Town (T D'Urfey, traditional Scotch);
The Minstrel Boy, air 'The Moreen' (words Thomas Moore);
The Last Rose of Summer (Thomas Moore, air 'The Groves of Blarney');
The Ash Grove (words John Oxenford, traditional Welsh);
Orpheus with his Lute (Shakespeare, Arthur Sullivan).
Product Id: SG28114
Price: AU$20.00
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Paling's Annual No. 7 Concert Song Album oversize piano songbook. Used second hand oversize Lieder song book for voice and piano. 32 pages. 1486. (W H Paling &
Co. Sydney. Undated but circa 1910) Spine taped. Name, stains and foxing on covers with a few small tears on edges. Corners are bumped and curled. A few
spots of foxing on some pages, else pages are very good. List of contents:
The Arab's Farewell To His Steed (in G) (sung by Arthur Middleton) (John Blockley); Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere (in A flat) (words Jessie Brown Pounds, music J S
Fearis arr J Arnold); Because I Love You, Dear (in B flat) (sung by Paul Althouse) (words W H Stanton, music C B Hawley arr J Arnold); Constancy (in G
flat) (words Frank Stanton. music C F Webber); Down The Vale (in E flat) (Eugene Smith); The Dream Of Home, from 'Il Bacio' (in C) (sung by Deanna Durbin in
'Three Smart Girls') (with original and English words, L Arditi); Drinking Song, from 'Traviata' (in B flat) (sung by Deanna Durbin in '100 Men And A Girl')
(Verdi, with original lyrics and English words by C Spencer, arr J Arnold); The Echo Song (in D) (sung by Dame Nellie Melba) (Sir Henry R Bishop arr V de
Giorgio); I Love You Truly (in A flat) (Carrie Jacobs-Bond); I Was Dreaming, from 'Ma Mie Rosette' (sung by Gladys Moncreiff) (in F) (words Arthur Rigby,
music Aug. W Juncker); Just A-wearyin' For You (in A flat) (words Frank Stanton, music Carrie Jacobs-Bond); Lo! Here The Gentle Lark (in F) (sung by Dame Nellie
Melba) (words Shakespeare from 'Venus and Adonis', music Sir Henry R Bishop arr V de Giorgio); My Wishes For You (in D) (Marsh Little); Oh, Lay Thy Cheek On
Mine, Dear Love (Lehn' Deine Wang' An Meine Wang') (in D) (Adolf Jensen, with English and German words); Rose Softly Blooming (in G) (Louis Spohr); Sweetest
Flower That Blows (in E flat) (F Stucken); Where The Bee Sucks (Ariel's Song) (in G) (sung by Paul Default) (words from Shakespeare's 'Tempest', music Dr
Arne); Would God I Were The Tender Apple Blossom (in C) (words K T Hinkson, arr J Arnold); The Wren (in F) (sung by Dame Nellie Melba & Galli-Curci) (J
Benedict arr V de Giorgio).
Product Id: SG0833
Price: AU$10.00
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Treasury of Song Volume 3 lieder piano songbook. Allans Edition No. 464. Used second hand lieder songbook arranged for piano with English words with most
songs also having the original words. 40 pages. B.3769. (Allan & Co. Melbourne. 1939) Covers are marked with a date and a whited out name. Corners bumped.
Pages are very good. List of contents:
Nymphs And Shepherds, from 'The Libertine' (Henry Purcell, words Thomas Shadwell, accompaniment and
additional verse Louis Lavater); The Golden Ring (Du Ring an meinem Finger) (Schumann, Op. 42 No. 4,
English words Geoffrey Steuart); Synnove's Song (Synnoves Lied) (Halfdan Kjerulf, words B Bjornson,
English words Geoffrey Steuart); The Gentle Maiden (old Irish melody Petrie collection, words and
accompaniment Louis Lavater); I Love Thee (Ich liebe dich) (Beethoven, English words John Oxenford);
Plaisir d'amour (The Joys Of Love) (Padre G Martini, words J P Claris de Florian, English words Roy
Jeffries); Where'er You Walk (Handel); Secrecy (Verborgenheit) (Hugo Wolf, words Eduard Morike,
English words Louis Lavater); The Blacksmith (Der Schmied) original key (Brahms, Op. 19 No. 4);
Weyla's Song (Gesang Weyla's) original key (Hugo Wolf Morike Songs No. 46, words Eduard Morike,
English words Louis Lavater); Sunday (Sonntag) (Brahms, Op. 47 No. 3); The Rose Has Charmed The
Nightingale (Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakoff, Op. 2 No. 2); At Night (Sergei Rachmaninoff, Op. 4 No. 3);
Love's Magic (Aus meinen Thranen spriessen) (Schumann, from Dichterliebe, Op. 48, words H Heine, English words Louis Lavater).
Product Id: SG26175B
Price: AU$10.00
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Treasury of Song Volume 5 lieder piano songbook. Allans Edition No. 466. Used second hand lieder songbook arranged for piano
with English words with some songs also having the German or French words. 36 pages. B.4758. (Allan & Co. Melbourne. 1941)
Foxing on covers with a dte and a name whited out. Corners bumped. Pages are very good. List of contents:
At Night (Nachts) (German words and music by Peter Cornelius, Op. 1 No. 5, English words by Geoffrey Steuart);
Florian's Song (Chanson de Florian) (Godard, Op. 91, original words by J P Claris de Florian,
English words by Alfred Wheeler); Care selve, from 'Atalanta' (Handel, from the original version,
English words by Evelyn Wales); I've Been Roaming (Charles Edward Horn, edited by Arthur S Loam); Woods so dense (Bois epais,
redouble ton ombre, aria from 'Amadis') (Lully, edited by Francis La Borde);
The Violet (Das Veilchen) (Mozart, K. 476, original words by Goethe, English words by Louis Lavater); Fairest Isle (Henry Purcell,
arranged by Arthur S Loam, words by J Dryden); The Gleaming Dew (Es blinkt der Tau) (A Rubinstein Op. 72 No. 1, original words by
G von Boddien, English words by Leo Bartels); Thou art like a Tender Blossom (Du bist wie eine Blume) (A Rubinstein Op. 32 No. 5,
original words by H Heine, English words by Leo Bartels); The Youth to the Spring (Der Jungling an der Quelle) (Schubert, original
words by L Stoll, English words by Leo Bartels); Dawn Gentle Flower (Sterndale Bennett, words by Barry Cornwall); A Legend
(Tschaikowsky Op. 54 No. 5, words by Alfred Wheeler).
Product Id: SG22400B
Price: AU$10.00
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Treasury of Song Volume 6 lieder piano songbook. Imperial Edition No. 467.
Used second hand lieder songbook for piano with original and English lyrics. 40 pages. B.4759. (Allan & Co. Melbourne.
1953) Foxing on edges of covers. Small tear in spine at top. Rear cover creased at top. Pages are very good. List of contents:
Come Sweet Repose (Komm, susser Tod!) (J S Bach, arranged by Robert Franz, English words by Alfred Wheeler);
Creation's Hymn (Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur) (Beethoven Op. 48 No. 4, original words by Christian F Gellert, English words by Francis La Borde);
There's not a Swain, On the Plain (Henry Purcell, arranged by Percy Jones, words by N Henley);
O Del Mio Dolce Ardor (O Thou Most Lovely Maiden) (Gluck, English words by Leo Bartels);
Adoration (Non lo diro col labbro) from the opera 'Tolomeo' (Handel, arranged by Percy Jones, English words by Evelyn Wales);
She Never Told Her Love (J Haydn, words by W Shakespeare from 'Twelfth Night');
Pur Dicesti (Say Once Again) (Antonio Lotti, English words by Arthur Mayship);
Verdi Prati (Verdant Meadow) (Handel, English words by Francis La Borde);
Greeting (Gruss) (Mendelssohn Op. 15 No. 5, original words by H Haine, English words by W Bartholomew);
Thou art like a Tender Blossom (Du bist wie eine Blume) (Liszt, original words by H Heine, English words by Leo Bartels);
Rose Softly Blooming (Spohr, words by W Ball);
The False Note (Borodin, words by Dorothy Greville; dedicated to Modest P Mussorgsky);
The Captive L'Esclave) (Lalo, original words by T Gautier, English words by Leo Bartels).
Product Id: SG22401
Price: AU$10.00
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Tenor Songs piano songbook The New Imperial Edition -compiled, edited & arranged by- Sydney
Northcote. ISMN M-051904303. Used second hand lieder songbook for tenor voice with original and English words or English words only
to piano accompaniment. 95 pages. 17129. (Boosey & Hawkes. Undated) In fine condition. List of songs:
Rest, Sweet Nymphs (words by Anonymous, music by Francis Pilkington);
Amaryllis ('Nuovo Musicke')(words by Anonymous, music by Guillo Caccini);
The Knotting Song (words by Sir Charles Sedley, music by Henry Purcell);
I'll Sail Upon The Dog Star (words by Tom d'Urfey, music by Henry Purcell);
Where-e'er You Walk ('Semele') (words by Alexander Pope, music by Handel);
Ye Verdant Hills ('Susanna') (words by Anonymous, music by Handel, arranged and edited by Walter Ford and Rupert Erlebach);
Would You Gain The Tender Creature ('Acis and Galatea') (words by Anonymous, music by Handel, arranged and edited by Walter
Ford and Rupert Erlebach);
Under The Greenwood Tree (words by William Shakespeare, music by Thomas Arne);
Sigh No More, Ladies (words by William Shakespeare, music by R J S Stevens);
Adelaide (German words by Friedrich von Mattheson, English words by John Oxenford, music by Beethoven);
Who is Sylvia (An Silvia) (German words by Eduard von Bauernfeld, English words by William Shakespeare, music by Franz Schubert);
Whither (Wohin) ('Die Schone Mullerin') (German words by Wilhelm Muller, English words by A H Fox-Strangeways and Sir Steuart
Wilson, music by Franz Schubert);
The Secret (Geheimes) (German words by Joh. Wolfgang von Goethe, English words by A H Fox-Strangeways and Sir Steuart
Wilson, music by Franz Schubert);
Moonlight (Mondnacht) (German words by J von Eichendorff, English words by A H Fox-Strangeways and Sir Steuart
Wilson, music by Robert Schumann);
Thou'rt Like a Lovely Flower (Du bist wie eine Blume) (German words by Heinrich Heine, English words by Anonymous, music by Robert Schumann);
The Brooklet (with English words from the German of Wilhelm Muller, music by Edward J Loder);
On Wings of Song (Auf Flugeln des Gesanges) (English words by Paul England, German words and music by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy);
Reign Here a Queen Within The Heart (Wie bist du, meine Konigen) (German words by G F Daumer after Hafis, English words by A H
Fox-Strangeways and Sir Steuart Wilson, music by Johannes Brahms);
Love Song (Minnelied) (German words by Ludwig Holty, English words by A H Fox-Strangeways and Sir Steuart Wilson, music by Johannes Brahms);
Is It Bliss, or Is It Sorrow? (Sind es Schmerzen, sind es Frauden? (German words by Ludwig Tieck, English words by Paul England,
music by Johannes Brahms);
'Twas April (English words by F J Whishaw, music by Tschaikowsky);
To Mary (words by Percy Bysshe Shelley, music by Maud Valerie White);
Is She Not Passing Fair? (English words by Louisa Stuart Costello from the French of Charles, Duke of Orleans, music by Edward Elgar);
A Winter Dedication (Winterweihe) (German words by Karl Henckell, English words by Constance Bache, music by Richard Strauss);
From Far, from Eve and Morning (from 'On Wenlock Edge') (words by A E Housman, music by Ralph Vaughan Williams);
Night is Mournful ("ombre est triste) (original words by J Brownin, English words by Rosa Newmarch, French words by M D Calvocorressi,
music by Serge Rachmaninoff);
Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal (words by Lord Tennyson, music by Roger Quilter);
E'en as a Lovely Flower (words by Kate Kroeker after Heine, music by Frank Bridge);
Sleep (words by John Fletcher, music by Ivor Gurney);
As Ever I Saw (words by Anonymous, music by Peter Warlock (Philip Heseltine)).
Product Id: SG22426
Price: AU$20.00
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World's Favorite Series No. 133 Italian Songs And Arias of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
Used second hand Lieder song book for piano with Italian and English lyrics. 144 pages. (Ashley Publications Inc. 1981) Covers worn on
edges. Spine cocked. Name and inked stamp on title page. Pages are very good. Contents are:
Per la gloria d'adorarvi (For the Love My Heart doth Prize), from the opera 'Griselda' (Giovanni Battista Bononcini);
Lungi da te (Giovanni Bononcini);
Amarilli, mia bella (Amarilli, my Fair One) (Magrigal) (Giulio Caccini);
Alma del core (Fairest Adored) (Antonio Caldara);
Come raggio de sol (As on the Swelling Wave) (Aria) (Antonio Caldara);
Sebben, crudele (Tho' not Deserving) (Canzonetta) (Antonio Caldara);
Vittoria, mio core! (Victorious, My Heart is!) (Cantata) (Giacomo Carissimi);
Si t'intendo (Antonio Caldara);
Non posso disperar (I do not dare despond) (Arietta) (S De Luca);
Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile (Dance, O Dance, Maiden Gay) (Arietta) (Francesco Durante);
Vergin, tutto amor (Virgin, Fount of Love) (Preghiera, Prayer) (Francesco Durante);
Caro mio ben (Thou, all my Bliss) (Arietta) (Giuseppe Giordanello);
O del mio dolce ardor (O Thou Belov'd) (Aria) (Christolph Willibald von Gluck);
Voi che credete (Giovanni Adolfo Hasse);
Che fiero costume (How Void of Compassion) (Arietta) (Giovani Legrenzi);
Pur dicesti, o bocca bella (Mouth so Charmful) (Arietta) (Antonio Lotti);
Dir ch'io t'ami (Francesco Mancini);
Il mio bel foco (My Joyful Ardor) (Recitativo ed Aria) (Benedetto Marcello);
Nel cor piu non mi sento (Why feels my Heart so Dormant) (Arietta) (Giovanni Paisiello);
Se tu m'ami, se sospiri (If Thou lov'st me) (Arietta) (Giovanni Battista Pergolesi);
Nina (Canzonetta) (attributed to Giovanni Battista Pergolesi);
Dolce scherza (G A Perti);
Cieco si finse amor (Giuseppe Pignatta);
Gia il sole dal Gange (O'er Ganges now launches) (Canzonetta) (Alessandro Scarlatti);
Le Violette (The Violets) (Canzone) (Alessandro Scarlatti);
Nevi intatte (Allessandro Scarlatti);
O cessate di piagarmi (O no longer seek to pain me) (Arietta) (Alessandro Scarlatti);
Per formare la Betta (Allessandro Scarlatti);
Se Florindo e fedele (Should Florindo be faithful) (Arietta) (Alessandro Scarlatti);
Va per lo mare (Allessandro Scarlatti);
Pieta, Signore! (O Lord, have mercy) (Alessandro Scarlatti);
Tu lo sai (Ask thy Heart) (Guiseppe Torelli);
Lasciatemi morire! (No Longer let me Languish), canto from the opera 'Ariana' (Claudio Monteverdi);
Vedi quel ruscelletto (Benedetto Marcello).
Product Id: SG24778
Price: AU$20.00
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Golden Hours Of Song By Famous Composers Book 7 -edited by- Thomas J Hewitt.
Used second hand Lieder song book for piano with English and original words where appropriate and tonic sol-fa notation. 56 pages. 3998.
(Keith Prowse & Co. London. 1930) Name and address of previous owner written on cover and again on reverse of front cover. Also
a pen tick mark on a song title on the cover. Pages are creased in upper outer corner. Staples rusted. Else very good. List of contents:
Lullaby (Wiegenlied) (Brahms, English words A Henry); Who Is Sylvia? (Schubert, words Shakespeare); Orpheus With His Lute
(Arthur Sullivan, words Shakespeare); On The Banks Of Allan Water (Unknown, arr T J Hewitt); Serenade ('When the voice of
thy lute') (Gounod, words Victor Hugo, translated H F Chorley); Lascia Ch'io Pianga (Weeping) (Handel); Alice, Where Art
Thou (J Ascher, words W Guernsey); The Arrow And The Song (Balfe, words Longfellow); Where'er You Walk (from opera
'Semele') (Handel, words Pope); Gloomy Woods (Bois Epais) (Lulli, words from French by Alice W Linford); Cherry Ripe
(C E Horn, words Herrick); Caro Mio Ben ('Queen of my Heart') (Giordani); Fairest Isle (Purcell, words Dryden); The Lass
With The Delicate Air (Arne, arr T J Hewitt); Come Into The Garden, Maud (Balfe, words Lord Tennyson); When Daisies Pied
(Arne, words Shakespeare, arr T J Hewitt).
Product Id: SG24890
Price: AU$10.00
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Concert Song Album piano songbook. Palings Album Series No. 7.
Used second hand Lieder song book for voice and piano. 32 pages. 1486. (W H Paling & Co. Sydney. Undated but circa 1940) Name and
a few spots of foxing on the cover. Light creasing. Else very good. List of contents:
The Arab's Farewell To His Steed (in G) (sung by Arthur Middleton) (John Blockley);
Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere (in A flat) (words Jessie Brown Pounds, music J S Fearis arr J Arnold);
Because I Love You, Dear (in B flat) (sung by Paul Althouse) (words W H Stanton, music C B Hawley arr J Arnold);
Constancy (in G flat) (words Frank Stanton. music C F Webber);
Down The Vale (in E flat) (Eugene Smith);
The Dream Of Home, from 'Il Bacio' (in C) (sung by Deanna Durbin in 'Three Smart Girls') (with original and English words, L Arditi);
Drinking Song, from 'Traviata' (in B flat) (sung by Deanna Durbin in '100 Men And A Girl')
(Verdi, with original lyrics and English words by C Spencer, arr J Arnold);
The Echo Song (in D) (sung by Dame Nellie Melba) (Sir Henry R Bishop arr V de Giorgio);
I Love You Truly (in A flat) (Carrie Jacobs-Bond);
I Was Dreaming, from 'Ma Mie Rosette' (sung by Gladys Moncreiff) (in F) (words Arthur Rigby, music Aug. W Juncker);
Just A-wearyin' For You (in A flat) (words Frank Stanton, music Carrie Jacobs-Bond);
Lo! Here The Gentle Lark (in F) (sung by Dame Nellie Melba)
(words Shakespeare from 'Venus and Adonis', music Sir Henry R Bishop arr V de Giorgio);
My Wishes For You (in D) (Marsh Little);
Oh, Lay Thy Cheek On Mine, Dear Love (Lehn' Deine Wang' An Meine Wang') (in D) (Adolf Jensen, with English and German words);
Rose Softly Blooming (in G) (Louis Spohr);
Sweetest Flower That Blows (in E flat) (F Stucken);
Where The Bee Sucks (Ariel's Song) (in G) (sung by Paul Default) (words from Shakespeare's 'Tempest', music Dr Arne);
Would God I Were The Tender Apple Blossom (in C) (words K T Hinkson, arr J Arnold);
The Wren (in F) (sung by Dame Nellie Melba & Galli-Curci) (J Benedict arr V de Giorgio).
Product Id: SG25944
Price: AU$10.00
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Elizabethan Love Songs First Set High Voice (Frederick Keel) edited and arranged with
pianoforte accompaniments composed, or adapted from the lute tablature, by Frederick Keel. Lieder. Used second hand piano song book
with words. 114 pages. H.10387. (Boosey & Hawkes. London. 1909) Inked name stamps on sunned cover and first page. Corners worn. Page number of a few songs
circled in pen, else pages are very good. List of songs:
Sweet Nymph, Come to thy Lover (Thomas Morley); When lo! by Breake of Morning (Thomas Morley); Come Again (John Dowland);
Deare, if you change (John Dowland); A Shepherd in a Shade (John Dowland); Fine Knacks for Ladies (Peddler's Song) (John
Dowland); Woeful Heart with Griefe Oppressed (John Dowland); What if I Seek for Love (Robert Jones); If I urge my Kind
Desires (Philip Rosseter); If she forsake me (Philip Rosseter); When Laura Smiles (Philip Rosseter); Flow not so fast,
ye Fountaines (John Dowland); Shaded with Olive Trees (Thomas Greaves); Fain would I change that Note (Thomas Hume);
Diaphenia (Francis Pilkington); Underneath a Cypress Tree (Francis Pilkington); Come, Phillis (Thomas Ford); Faire, sweet,
cruell (Thomas Ford); Go to Bed, Sweet Muse (Robert Jones); Sweet Kate (Robert Jones); Sweet Cupid, ripen her Desire
(William Corkine); Deare, through your Minde (William Corkine); Here she her sacred Bower adornes (Thomas Campion); Phillis
was a faire Maide (Giles Earle's Song-book); Sleepe, sleepe (Giles Earle's Song-book); Why dost thou turne away? (Giles
Earle's Song-book); Shall I come, sweete Love, to thee? (Thomas Campion); There is a Garden in her Face (Thomas Campion);
On a Time (John Attey); As Flora Slept (John Hilton).
Product Id: SG28112B
Price: AU$10.00
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Elizabethan Love Songs Second Set High Voice (Frederick Keel) edited and arranged with
pianoforte accompaniments composed, or adapted from the lute tablature, by Frederick Keel. Ex-Library Copy. Used second hand piano song book
with words. 114 pages. H.7770. (Boosey & Hawkes. London. 1913) Ex-Library with the usual marks and stamps. Borrowers'
card pasted to front free endpaper. Covered with clear plastic with tape shadows on endpapers. Foxing on edges of pages.
Else pages are very good. List of songs:
A pretty, pretty ducke (John Bartlett); Away with these self-loving lads (John Dowland); Beauty is but a painted hell
(Thomas Campion); Breake now, my heart, and die (Thomas Campion); Come away (John Bartlett); Come, you pretty false-eyed
wanton (Thomas Campion); Downe-a-downe (F Pilkington); Ev'ry dame affects good fame (Thomas Campion); Farewell, unkind
farewell (John Dowland); Flora, wilt thou torment me? (Thomas Morley); Her rosie cheeks (Thomas Campion); If there be
any one (John Bartlett); I heard of late (John Bartlett); Now, o now, I needs must part (John Dowland); O deare, that I
with thee might live (Thomas Campion); Oft have I sighed for him (Thomas Campion); Shall a smile or a guileful glance?
(William Corkine); Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace? (John Dowland); Sorrow, sorrow, stay (John Dowland); Stay, time,
awhwile thy flying (John Dowland); Sweet was the song (John Attey); The peaceful westerne winde (Thomas Campion);
Thrice tosse these oaken ashes in the air (Thomas Campion); Weep you no more, sad fountaines (John Dowland); What if I
never speede? (John Dowland); What if I speede? (Robert Jones); What thing is love? (John Bartlett); When from my love
I lookte (John Bartlett); Whither runneth my sweetheart (John Bartlett); Who doth behold my mistress' face (John Bartlett).
Product Id: SG23433
Price: AU$10.00
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Elizabethan Love Songs Second Set High Voice (Frederick Keel) edited and arranged with
pianoforte accompaniments composed, or adapted from the lute tablature, by Frederick Keel. Lieder. Ex-Library Copy. Used second hand piano song book
with words. 114 pages. H.7770. (Boosey & Hawkes. London. 1913) Ex-Library with the usual marks and stamps. Borrowers'
card pasted inside front cover. Covers are marked and grubby. Corners worn. Spine very worn. Tear in edge of rear cover.
However pages are very good. List of songs:
A pretty, pretty ducke (John Bartlett); Away with these self-loving lads (John Dowland); Beauty is but a painted hell
(Thomas Campion); Breake now, my heart, and die (Thomas Campion); Come away (John Bartlett); Come, you pretty false-eyed
wanton (Thomas Campion); Downe-a-downe (F Pilkington); Ev'ry dame affects good fame (Thomas Campion); Farewell, unkind
farewell (John Dowland); Flora, wilt thou torment me? (Thomas Morley); Her rosie cheeks (Thomas Campion); If there be
any one (John Bartlett); I heard of late (John Bartlett); Now, o now, I needs must part (John Dowland); O deare, that I
with thee might live (Thomas Campion); Oft have I sighed for him (Thomas Campion); Shall a smile or a guileful glance?
(William Corkine); Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace? (John Dowland); Sorrow, sorrow, stay (John Dowland); Stay, time,
awhwile thy flying (John Dowland); Sweet was the song (John Attey); The peaceful westerne winde (Thomas Campion);
Thrice tosse these oaken ashes in the air (Thomas Campion); Weep you no more, sad fountaines (John Dowland); What if I
never speede? (John Dowland); What if I speede? (Robert Jones); What thing is love? (John Bartlett); When from my love
I lookte (John Bartlett); Whither runneth my sweetheart (John Bartlett); Who doth behold my mistress' face (John Bartlett).
Product Id: SG23433B
Price: AU$10.00
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Elizabethan Love Songs Second Set High Voice (Frederick Keel) edited and arranged with
pianoforte accompaniments composed, or adapted from the lute tablature, by Frederick Keel. Lieder. Used second hand piano song book
with words. 114 pages. H.7770. (Boosey & Hawkes. London. 1913) Names blacked out and other marks on covers. Names and addresses, inked
stamps and some pen notes on first blank page. Spine worn and torn. Corners worn. However pages are very good. List of songs:
A pretty, pretty ducke (John Bartlett); Away with these self-loving lads (John Dowland); Beauty is but a painted hell
(Thomas Campion); Breake now, my heart, and die (Thomas Campion); Come away (John Bartlett); Come, you pretty false-eyed
wanton (Thomas Campion); Downe-a-downe (F Pilkington); Ev'ry dame affects good fame (Thomas Campion); Farewell, unkind
farewell (John Dowland); Flora, wilt thou torment me? (Thomas Morley); Her rosie cheeks (Thomas Campion); If there be
any one (John Bartlett); I heard of late (John Bartlett); Now, o now, I needs must part (John Dowland); O deare, that I
with thee might live (Thomas Campion); Oft have I sighed for him (Thomas Campion); Shall a smile or a guileful glance?
(William Corkine); Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace? (John Dowland); Sorrow, sorrow, stay (John Dowland); Stay, time,
awhwile thy flying (John Dowland); Sweet was the song (John Attey); The peaceful westerne winde (Thomas Campion);
Thrice tosse these oaken ashes in the air (Thomas Campion); Weep you no more, sad fountaines (John Dowland); What if I
never speede? (John Dowland); What if I speede? (Robert Jones); What thing is love? (John Bartlett); When from my love
I lookte (John Bartlett); Whither runneth my sweetheart (John Bartlett); Who doth behold my mistress' face (John Bartlett).
Product Id: SG23433C
Price: AU$10.00
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Elizabethan Love Songs Second Set High Voice (Frederick Keel) edited and arranged with
pianoforte accompaniments composed, or adapted from the lute tablature, by Frederick Keel. Used second hand piano song book
with words. 114 pages. H.7770. (Boosey & Hawkes. London. 1913) Inked name stamps on marked and sunned covers and first page. Corners worn.
Pages are very good. List of songs:
A pretty, pretty ducke (John Bartlett); Away with these self-loving lads (John Dowland); Beauty is but a painted hell
(Thomas Campion); Breake now, my heart, and die (Thomas Campion); Come away (John Bartlett); Come, you pretty false-eyed
wanton (Thomas Campion); Downe-a-downe (F Pilkington); Ev'ry dame affects good fame (Thomas Campion); Farewell, unkind
farewell (John Dowland); Flora, wilt thou torment me? (Thomas Morley); Her rosie cheeks (Thomas Campion); If there be
any one (John Bartlett); I heard of late (John Bartlett); Now, o now, I needs must part (John Dowland); O deare, that I
with thee might live (Thomas Campion); Oft have I sighed for him (Thomas Campion); Shall a smile or a guileful glance?
(William Corkine); Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace? (John Dowland); Sorrow, sorrow, stay (John Dowland); Stay, time,
awhwile thy flying (John Dowland); Sweet was the song (John Attey); The peaceful westerne winde (Thomas Campion);
Thrice tosse these oaken ashes in the air (Thomas Campion); Weep you no more, sad fountaines (John Dowland); What if I
never speede? (John Dowland); What if I speede? (Robert Jones); What thing is love? (John Bartlett); When from my love
I lookte (John Bartlett); Whither runneth my sweetheart (John Bartlett); Who doth behold my mistress' face (John Bartlett).
Product Id: SG23433D
Price: AU$10.00
Shipping information for this item
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